MORNING COMMENTS: When the Majority of the People fear the - TopicsExpress


MORNING COMMENTS: When the Majority of the People fear the Government it is called Tyranny - The End to America as we know it is Coming if things do not Change Very Soon In reality, Americans will fold and Comply with Obamas Socialist Government and the Left Knows it. The Next 10 Years is Going to get Really Bad When the majority of the people fear the government as they do today, then we have tyranny. The are in fear of protecting as they will be arrested. Our President and his Leftist have stated that American Patriots who speak against corruption in government, are a threat to the country and more dangerous than Middle East Terrorists. The Government has announced they are making a list of all Citizens who are complaining against the government. In the State of New York the government has a cash reward to turn in neighbors who have legal guns, stock piling food and ammo to protect themselves in time of civil unrest. While at the same time the government has surrendered our borders and is sponsoring 20+ Million Illegals with full government benefits, while US Citizens and veterans are homeless and hungry. The media has joined the Leftist Movement to attack anyone who is opposing the Socialist Movement in our communities. Bribery and corruption in government has become the norm and accepted. Insider trading on Wall Street deals is legal for members of Congress, their staff and the White House, while it is a crime for citizens. That is how many in government are being paid off today.And it is legal. It is widely accepted that our national debt will rise from $10 Trillion in 2009 to $23 Trillion by 2022 while Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Veterans Benefits, all go bankrupt. Trillions of dollars is unaccounted for in government, yet nobody wants to know where the money went. The US Supreme Court has ordered Obama to stop bypassing his authority and ignoring the US Constitution, yet he will not and Congress has clearly surrendered the Constitution to the Left and Corrupt. Our President openly says the Congress no longer matters and that he will create the laws he wants regardless of the US Constitution, our laws and what the courts say.. The majority of Congress no longer represents the People or protects our laws and Constitution as they are more concerned about receiving financial donations from the Multi-National companies so they can be re-elected to power. America went to war in 1775 over tyranny and taxation without representation. We are on a direct path of the largest government, banking and economic crash in world history, and nobody wants to really stop it from happening. We have less than 8 yeas before this happens. the top 40% of America will be OK, The lower 60% will be crushed and will bed to end America as we know it and have the new Socialist government to save them. The is all in the step by step plan from the Left. If Republicans in Congress speak out they are put in Time Out by their own party, while the Socialist Democrats expand corruption and their plan to move America to a Socialist State government model. Who is left to stand up for the People? Who is left to protect the US Constitution without being in fear of being jailed for life without trial under the Homeland Security and Patriot Acts? This is tyranny and nothing more. It will get much worse in the coming years because there is nobody left do anything to protect our Free American Republic. How do you stop it? Have 2+ Million Americans enter in and surround DC in a peaceful protest. President Obama will not allow it and prevent all protests in DC with massive arrests. That will be the beginning of the end of the current government and the Leftists. Congress will have to side with the people again in order to save themselves. Obama will conform or Congress will impeach him. But again, Americans will not actually dont do this UNTIL the crisis hits and its too late to stop the coming crash. Be prepared for the crash, as this is very real, and it is coming.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:37:07 +0000

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