MORNING MANNA----BURDEN BEARERS Bear ye one anothers burdens, and - TopicsExpress


MORNING MANNA----BURDEN BEARERS Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.--Galatians 6:2 A famous British poet once wrote on the subject of pain and burdens in the people he saw each day. Living in England during a time of economic struggle, many people begged, wore rags, or struggled to get by each day. Disease was rampant, and many people lost loved ones during this time. Living in poverty as well, this poet often walked the streets of London, searching for people he could help. He did not have money to give, but he often gave them a few minutes of his time. He cared for children while mothers searched for employment or went shopping. He used what little money he had to buy food for starving children, and he directed impoverished families to local shelters and soup kitchens. Often his experiences were reflected in his writings---He could see the pain in the eyes of people, even when they tried to disguise their feelings. He realized that by taking time to talk with people he could easily recognize the burdens they carried. Whether people in seventeenth century Britain or people in twenty-first century America, everyone carries burdens. Often stated is the phrase Life is unfair. Many people face unfair situations and heavy burdens they never thought theyd face. Situations arise despite peoples best efforts to avoid them. Im sure even you have some burdens in your own life. Think of the burdens you carry. Financial pressure? Uncertainty about a job situation? A rebellious child? A struggling marriage? A troubled friend? A health trial? Carrying burdens is nothing new, yet God desires that rather than focusing on your own burdens, you would seek to bear the burdens of others.Bear ye one anothers burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. Very simply put, God wants you to help others. What does bearing another persons burdens entail? While you may not be able to physically carry the burden of someone, you can lighten their load by loving them and showing you care. Have a friend in financial problems? Help them by treating them to dinner or cooking them a meal. Someone experienced the loss of a loved one? Send flowers, a card, or show them your sympathy. Do you know someone whos going through a health problem? Visit them or offer to help them with backlogged projects (cleaning, shopping, etc.). Taking time to show someone you care about them will help lighten their burden. Often, simply stopping to talk with them and allowing them to air their problems help. If they ask for advice or counsel, seek to guide them through biblical solutions. Sometimes all bearing a burden means is sitting down over coffee and listening. Who around you is struggling today? While you could focus on your own problems and burdens, God desires for you to help others bear their burdens. He desires that you would fulfill His command to love others by showing kindness during their time of need. Whose burden can you help bear today?--Daily in the Word
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 11:46:35 +0000

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