MORNING UPDATE: March 20th, 2014 KIRUHURA DISTRICT APPOINTS COMMITTEE TO DEAL WITH WILD GAME MENACE Kiruhura district has appointed a 17 member committee to spearhead the peaceful co-existence of the communities neighboring Lake Mburo National Park and game animals. The committee, which is led by Ben Kavunya has been tasked to coordinate with Kiruihura district local government and Uganda Wildlife Authority to ensure the animals don’t stray in resident’s homes and farms. The committee will also push for the compensation of residents who lost crops and livestock to the game animals. Rev. Samuel Katugunda, Kiruhura District LC V chairperson is optimistic that the committee will find a lasting solution to the menace of the game animals. Katugunda says his electorate has suffered for decades as a result of the invasion of game animals yet they have not received any compensation for the losses from Uganda Wildlife Authority. Kellen Kayonga, a victim of the stray game animals says he has lost several goats and cattle to Hyenas from Lake Mburo. Kayonga has welcomed the committee and warned members against being compromised by UWA. Godfrey Matanda, the community liaisons officer Lake Mburo national park says the establishment of the committee is timely. He says there has been a gap between the community, local leadership and the park management. #End
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:26:33 +0000

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