MORNINGS WITH JESUS DEVOTIONAL I HAVE AN EARLY 1900s Singer treadle sewing machine table sitting in my foyer. I have fond memories of learning to sew with my Granny Bowers on that sewing machine. I inherited the treasured piece when she passed on to her reward, and I think of her often when I see it in our home. There are other things that remind me of Granny. The smell of cold cream, because she kept a big pink jar of Pond’s cold cream in her vanity. The sight of yellow roses, particularly growing in a large bush, because Granny loved the huge yellow rosebush that framed one side of her house. An old-fashioned single-seat swing tied to a large tree with rope, because Granny often pushed me on a swing like that. It doesn’t take a lot for me to be reminded of Granny, because I associate her presence with so many things. Likewise, I associate Christ’s presence in my life with little reminders, as well. A song on the Christian radio station. A cross on a necklace. The sight of a rising or setting sun. So many reminders to keep me aware of my Lord. Like those reminders of my granny, the reminders of Christ give me peace and comfort, letting me know that He is everywhere. Faith Step: Find three things today that remind you of your Lord.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:14:29 +0000

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