MOROCCO 2014 ACTIVATION WEEK Day 4 ~ 15/12/14 If you have been - TopicsExpress


MOROCCO 2014 ACTIVATION WEEK Day 4 ~ 15/12/14 If you have been following this series of channellings, this channelling is specifically for the activations and energy dispensations taking place today. NEW RELEASE ~ Morocco 2014 Etheric Level Activation ~ Return of the Original Starseeders ~ Part 9 ~ Jezebel & Mary Magdalene. Channelled through Michelle Manders© (Africa Project Phase 2 & Lemurian Lights Phase 3) Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 14 December 2014 Call to your most empowered self of the light. Ask this part of you to merge with you. Ask this part of you to show you exactly what it is you are to do to change or address in order to ensure your direct focus and achievement of your goals set. Take some time now to think about all of your intentions set for this project. Think of all the healing you have undergone during this project thus far. Think of all the things that you have come to realize. You are maturing more and more, every day. You are growing in consciousness and awareness every day. You are becoming more and more connected to the more advanced parts of yourself every day. This is probably the most exciting time of your experience as a soul on planet Earth because you are now at a point in time that you intended for not only in this lifetime, but in a number of prior lifetimes where you prayed that peace would be restored on Earth. You prayed for humanities salvation. You called for the light to return to the Earth and it is happening now. Yes it took a number of lifetimes, but look it is happening, the intentions are being realized. And this is an important lesson for all of you, an important lesson in terms of realizing that everything comes together when it must and that you trying to control any situation means that you are taking all the fun out of the life experience. Because when you see your life experience as a fun filled journey, then whatever challenges you becomes an exciting opportunity of discovery, for you discover treasures you could not have discovered in any other way. So your Fire Initiation, this White Fire Initiation of this project, the upgrading of these energies, burned through the veils of illusion in your life at an accelerated rate, and as a result may have given rise to immense chaos. But that chaotic experience is precious for it gave you a key to a very important place inside of you, inside of your being, and this is where you are headed now. For you are the ones holding superior intelligence, and it is our purpose and wish to continue nurturing your superior intelligence so as to ensure that your Earth, Mother Earth, is handled with the gentle, kit gloves she deserves. So take a deep breath in, exhaling fully as you feel the energies dancing around you. The violet and emerald green lights dancing everywhere, communicating to all the atoms of your body that it is time, time now, to open your energy, your heart, your mind, your being to receive the next very powerful magnificent energy related to your Original Star Seed, the one returning to you that shall remind you of your skill or talent forgotten, and ready to be received by the world in your lifetime from this point forward. Precious ones, allow the energy to caress you, caressing the cells of your body. This is immediately replicated within Mother Earth’s body and everything that you are doing now is happening simultaneously with Mother Earth, within Mother Earth. She is following your lead right now. So as these energies dance around you, precious ones, we step forward and we bring with us the energies enabling each of you to now confidently embrace the knowing that you are a changed person. Feel your energy and what it feels like to be you, to be a human being living on Earth. The reason why we refer to you as having superior knowledge is because you fully understand, to the degree that is currently important, that working into your own darkness is the only way you come to experience the full sense of light. You understand this on all levels important. This means you have completed a vitally important cycle of receiving alchemical training and now the next level begins. So the superior knowledge is in actual fact the integration of the simple statements of freedom made by the ancient ones. And you, in knowing the truth behind these simple statements, are stepping into the world with a new sense of presence and we want you now to open your body and reclaim this new sense of presence and purpose filling your being, for you have passed through the White Fire Upgraded Initiation. You have felt that fire burn through you. You have felt it incinerate those defences that were keeping you imprisoned rather than safe. All of this now lying in ashes around you, is now giving you the ability to see much further into the distance for there is now no longer walls and barriers of defence blocking your line of sight. So lift your head, precious ones, and look out into your life. Look into the far off distance and imagine what could be there in those distant, remote aspects of your life. Those parts of your psyche that you have not as yet given yourself the opportunity to explore, but that is now upon you. You are ready to explore these parts of yourself, your own mind, your being responding to these energies. The energies speak to you. Allow them to communicate what your body needs to do. This is by no means a mental process, so relax your mind and just feel and sense. Feel and sense. Let the air speak to your body. Feel it touching your skin. Let the white noise speak to you from the inside. Let nature communicate her sweet silent sound to you too. And as these vibrations are given your attention, so it ignites inside of you these additional strengths, strengths that empower you in ways that shall lead to you empowering those who walk behind you. Excerpt, Mary Magdalene. For the full transcript or Mp3 audio of this channelling please click on this link All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders (formerly Eloff) Palace of Peace (formerly The Lightweaver) Look out for our Palace of Peace Talk Radio (POP Talk Radio) Schedule of upcoming broadcasts published on Facebook every week or follow me on blogtalkradio/palaceofpeaceradio Visit my FREE CHANNELLINGS section of my website for a variety of FREE teachings and processes in support of Global Healing and positive self-empowerment.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 06:19:32 +0000

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