MOROCCO FIVE BODIES FOUND OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS ON SHORELINE WHO TRIED TO REACH SPAIN 3RD FEB.2014 The bodies of five presumably “illegal migrants”, who are believed to have been trying to reach Spain, are discovered on northern Moroccos shoreline, local authorities say. The bodies of five probably illegal migrants, four of them from Senegal, were washed up from the Mediterranean in the Nador area, MAP news agency quoted the officials as saying on Sunday. The news agency added that an inflatable boat was found in the area. In November last year, Moroccan security forces foiled an attempt by about 1,000 migrants to illegally enter Spains North African territory of Melilla. The Spanish government delegation in Melilla said in a statement issued on November 20 that a very large group of about a thousand sub-Saharan immigrants stormed the border fence and were held back and dispersed by the Moroccan forces. Spanish officials say thousands of migrants have struggled to reach Spain from Morocco by climbing border fences or crossing the Mediterranean in flimsy boats. Melilla and Ceuta, another Spanish territory neighboring northern Morocco, form the only land borders of the European Union with Africa. Each of the two towns has a population of about 80,000.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 04:42:39 +0000

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