MOST POLITICAL HELP IS INTENDED TO HELP THE HELPERS Another page in a book in progress - HOW TO BE A REAL CONSERVATIVE - your input on how to make it better is welcome... One of the more destructive forces marching out of the modern liberal movement is the confusion of enabling for love. Love at its best seeks to endorse, uplift, and empower the individual. Enabling feeds the needs of those needing to be needed. This masquerade is betrayed by the persisting message of nature – there are no free lunches and you’d better become fit if you want to survive. Enabled people grow weaker and less fit. Government entitlements, as an example, start with big promises and potentials and typically end up with bare subsistence and shrinkage of individual potential. From Aristotle’s time until today, a parade of wise men and women have shown that freedom and happiness are founded in personal and cultural productivity. Reality consistently demonstrates that dependency and entitlement attitudes are created and encouraged by those seeking additional wealth and power. It’s called “chumming” and it works just as well with people as with fish. Conservative thinker Thomas Sowell’s Vision of the Anointed describes the process of corrupting others for personal gain. The seducers in politics and religion label their chumming behaviors as loving, caring, and responsible. Those being chummed take the bait only to become food for bigger fish. Making someone less responsible and more dependent is the absolute opposite of love. Instead, what results is an unholy alliance whereby all concerned become morally corrupt. Nature repeatedly demonstrates that we must work to carry our weight within the limits of our abilities and those promising something for nothing are not true friends. Any person of heart cares about their fellow man. True conservatives differ from liberals in that we seek to help the individual stand on his or her two feet instead of someone else’s. Most contemporary liberals encourage dependency as a means to securing power and opportunity for themselves and not the person they are pretending to help. As with most addictive behaviors, denial is a keen part of this political equation of mischief. There is no escaping the importance of lending a hand to your fellow man. Whether that support is a hand-out to get by or a hand-up to step ahead is the truest determinant of the sincerity of the helper. There is eternal truth in the conservative position that giving a man a meal feeds him for a day. Teaching a man how to grow his own food feeds him for a lifetime. Political predators market the dependency meal plan. "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government." – James Madison The Conservative Position on Help - "People make poor pets..."
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 13:57:48 +0000

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