MOTHER KILLS HER CHILD (and scars the other for life) AFTER BEING - TopicsExpress


MOTHER KILLS HER CHILD (and scars the other for life) AFTER BEING ORDERED TO SHARE CHILDREN ONE DAY A WEEK WITH FATHER. THIS I HAD TO SHARE. This was written by another loving parent (in this case a step-mother) who is also dealing with a disturbed alienator. Unfortunately, I know that smirk well also. Its like they are so satisfied at having hurt the other parent that they seem oblivious to the damage that they are doing to their own children. In this case, she murdered one child and permanently scarred the other one for life. Does she look concerned? Oh that narcissistic smirk... I know that smirk all to well its imprinted into my memory and every time something goes wrong with visitation or court either I physically see the plaintiff make this face or I can envision it. Its the smirk of I have no empathy. I dont think what I did or allowed was wrong. What I did was right. The other person made me do this and they deserve this. When this type of person is a parent and their target is the other parent the true victim, the child(ren), who arent the target end up the ones used and hurt. They just happen to be the tool to achieve the twisted reality, that at no matter what it costs, I need to destroy the other parent. Or as an alienating parent once said to me, You woke the barking dog up. Now its going to bite you. Or as in an alienating parent once said in family services, I dont want you dead. I want you hurt and tortured for the rest of your life and in pain like you have pins and needles in every inch of your body. To achieve this the parent uses the child(ren) because they know this is the other parents soft spot. Parental Alienation is abuse if court ordered visitation orders are being violated this is a pretty good sign that HELP is needed. If you allow this by someone you know then you are helping in taking away a childs loving family. Children need and deserve all the love and nurturing possible and that court ordered visitation Is there for a reason... Its best for the child. Enforcement of these orders is needed because otherwise the alienating parent is enabled and their behaviors may eventually become out of control. They need boundaries. They are manipulative abusers and if they have no boundaries their limits to the abuse keeps growing and gets worse.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:20:59 +0000

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