MOTHER NATURE IS NOT ALWAYS FATHERS NATURE! Mother Nature is a Serial Killer. No ones better at killing, more creative, but, like all Serial Killers, she cant help the urge to want to get caught. And what good are all those brilliant crimes, if no one takes the credit? So she leave crumbs. Now the hard part, why you spend a decade in school, is seeing the crumbs for the clues they are. Sometimes the things you thought were the most brutal aspect of the virus, turns out the be the chink in its armour... and she loves disguising her weaknesses as strengths. WORLD WAR Z. Natural disasters can be more powerful and destructive than all other forces on the planet. Throughout human history, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other devastating catastrophes have threatened to wipe out civilizations around the world. Serial Killer Earth brings together a leading team of experts to analyze gripping video footage and eyewitness testimony. Their goal is to determine what caused today’s natural disasters and how they stack up against the worst of all time. SERIAL KILLER EARTH, Promo-- The History Channel. Dont automatically believe every law you see working in nature is a law created by God. As the poet Tennyson said, nature is red in tooth and claw--- in other words, violent, destructive and cruel. Philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote in his essay NATURE, If there are any marks at all in special design in creation, one of the things most evidently designed is that a large proportion of animals should pass their existence in tormenting and devouring other animals. Harold Bloom assigns a diabolical name to this dark dynamic so prevalent in nature. The Lucifer Principle is a complex of natural rules, each working together to weave a fabric that sometimes frightens and appalls us....Nature does not abhor evil: she embraces it.... Death, destruction, and fury do not disturb the Mother of our world; they are merely parts of her plan. Only we are outraged by the Lucifer Principles consequences. And we have every right to be. For we are casualties of Natures callous indifference to life, pawns who suffer and die to live out her schemes. Harold Bloom, The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History (New York: Atlantic Monthly, 1995), pp. 2-3. (Quoted in SATAN AND THE PROBLEM OF EVIL, by Greg Boyd). The world is a monster. Any three year old can see how unsatisfactory and clumsy is this whole business of reproducing and dying by the billions. We have not encountered any god who is merciful as a man who flicks a beetle over on its feet. There is not a people in the world who behaves as badly as praying mantises.... We are moral creatures... in an amoral word. The universe that sucked us is a monster...a robot programmed to killed. A. Dillard, Pilgrim at Tinker Creek (New York: Harper Collins, 1974), p. 179. (Quoted in SATAN AND THE PROBLEM OF EVIL, by Greg Boyd). Mudslides, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, cancer, ALS, MS, birth defects, plagues, famines, and drought all operate death, destruction and tragedy. Add to this the ever expanding world of biological and bacterial dangers. And all are said to be a part of mother natures laws. Mother nature can indeed be a cruel witch: teeth and talons whetted for slaughter, hooks and suckers molded for torment-- everywhere a reign of terror, hunger, sickness, with oozing blood and quivering limbs, with gasping breath and eyes of innocence that dimly close in depths of cruel torture. G. J. Romanes, quoted in Robert E.D. Clark, The Universe: Plan or Accident? (Philadelphia,: Muhlenberg, 1961), p. 217. (Quoted in SATAN AND THE PROBLEM OF EVIL, by Greg Boyd). In the animal, insect and sea kingdom, many either prey upon others or are preyed upon by others. Parents frequently eat their young. Mates sometimes bite their partners head off after mating. Many species are cannibalistic in that they eat their own kind. Most species feed entirely off other species. The law of evolution calls this natural selection, survival of the fittest, etc. Hitler tried to apply this law to the human race when he killed the Jews en masse. He thought it right for the strong to live off the weak. Here is the point. It ought not be so! In Messiahs kingdom, wolf lies down with lamb, and infants stick their hands down snake-holes without being bitten. Isaiah 11:6-9. All survive here. There is no death, no violence, no cruelty, no hostility. All feed off the Lord (and maybe veggies and fruits). All know the Lord. All are at peace. We need to consider the possibility that many of the laws of fallen nature are NOT from God. Just because the laws appear to be natural does not mean God created them. Fallen nature has fallen into the lap and control of Satan. Evolution, biology, sociology, anthropology, psychology, physiology may all operate by what appear to be laws of nature, but dont assume that God created all the laws these sciences have identified. Death works in all these natural laws, and death is NOT from God. Hebrews 2:13-15. Death is an enemy of God, the last enemy to be destroyed. 1 Corinthians 15:26. Oh, what creation will look like when that happens! We need to stop calling death-dealing nature a mother, at least in the traditional sense of the word. She might be a mother of another kind, but not in a complementary sense. Calling natural disasters Acts of God is a misnomer. Acts of Satan is a more accurate description when dealing with natures cruel and tortuous assassinations. Obviously, whatever is good and beautiful and noble in nature is the Lords doing, His residual fingerprint for us to appreciate in awe. But whatever steals, kills, and destroys is nature gone-wild after Satans corruptions. Not all laws are from God. If the law gives life, it was created by Jesus. But if the law takes life, it is from Satan, no matter how scientific or natural it appears to be. The ancient rabbis taught that we are facilitators of Tikkun ha Olam, the Repair of the World. Nature, both internally and externally, is fractured, but it can fixed by our faith and restored to its original purpose. Jesus imperatively commanded demons to depart (Lk. 4:36), angels to arrive (Matt. 26:53), fevers to go (Lk. 4:39), wholeness to come (Mk. 5:34), deadly storms to stop (Matt. 8:26), dead hearts to start (Jn. 11:43), violent men to fall down (Jn. 18:6), sick men to get up (Jn. 5:8) and Satan himself to back up (Mk. 8:33). Jesus fixes fractured realities. And so can we.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 12:34:39 +0000

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