MOTHER: The mind does not allow us to meditate. We do not have the - TopicsExpress


MOTHER: The mind does not allow us to meditate. We do not have the strength to control the mind. How do we do it? We need Your grace for it. SWAMI: Do not worry about your inability to control your mind. Let the mind wander as it likes. Do not attempt to suppress the thoughts. When pot filled with water shakes, some water spills out & the remaining water in the pot will be still. Do namasmarana. Pot is the body & water is the mind. It is like placing the pot of water on the fire for boiling to eliminate impurities. Similarly, the fire of namasmarana eliminates all the impurities in mind & ultimately the mind becomes pure. That is the secret of the mind. MOTHER: Swami, tell us more. SWAMI: Do satkarma. MOTHER: What should we do? SWAMI: Listen. You will grow a lawn with green grass. The grass belongs to the cow & not to you. When the cow comes there to satisfy its hunger, you chase it away. You enjoy yourself by seeing the lawn. But the cow suffers from pangs of hunger. You should not enjoy at the cost of others sorrow. Ones happiness alone is not important. It is better to bear some difficulties if it can bring happiness to others. MOTHER: Give me difficulties so that my thoughts always remain fixed on You. SWAMI: If your mind is meditating on Me, I will protect you from all difficulties. I have given three quarters of happiness & only one quarter of difficulties to the human beings. People cannot bear even that & presume it to be a mighty mountain. When they are hungry, they eat hurriedly. After filling their stomachs, if they find even a single stone in the last morsel, they complain that the entire food was filled with stones. I keep giving small difficulties every now & then so that the minds of people are turned towards God. Without understanding this, people blame God. While the main road is being repaired, people have to temporarily use the kachchha road. After the completion of the repairs, they are back on the main road. In a similar way, when your personality is being repaired, I go by another road. You feel that I have kept you away from Me. But it is not the truth. I do it with the purpose that repairs should be finished early so that our atmanubandha is resumed at the earliest. Source : from the book journey with sai by kannamba Ramamurthy.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 05:40:15 +0000

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