MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY by Miriam Mukasa SUCCESS HAS MANY FATHERS, FAILURE IS AN ORPHAN They say that in battle, victory has a hundred fathers, but defeat is an orphan. This also applies in everyday life too. If you havent already done so, then you will find that the minute you become successful or your project, business, school grades, other outcomes bear fruit, people from all places will come out of the woodwork claiming a piece of that victory. Dont be surprised when this happens because the reverse also applies. Fail and you are on your own. There will be no one to claim responsibility for your failure. We all read about successful entrepreneurs who struggle and struggle often when others have given up on them. They persevere come rain or shine often on the brink of bankruptcy and yet, the minute they hit gold, out come the people who claim that without them, this businessman/woman would not be where they are today. This is despite the fact that that person has continued to prosper without them. Now, I am not speaking about the spouse who supports his/her husband, puts them through medical or law school, or supports their child or friend 24/7 and never leaves their side. Basically, the person who when you fail, they are still there. These are the people who need the credit and yet often, they are the humble ones. It is said that victory is claimed by all, failure to one alone. So be ready for this. Dont expect anyone to take credit for your failure. Be strong and accept that when you fail, you are on your own. But, a taste of failure should not make you bitter - for when victory arrives, it tastes sweeter. Take heart also from successful people who have overcome challenges to get to where they are. today. Entrepreneurs who will be speaking at our Entrepreneur and Start-up event on 27 June 2014. Come and listen to Dr Chris Kirubi, Heshan De Silva and more, as they share how they have overcome challenges to be get to where they are. you dont have to be an entrepreneur to draw inspiration from this event. You can apply this to your everyday life! See link below for details and to register for this event. ALL GUESTS MUST REGISTER. Wishing you a successful day, From Miriam Mukasa campaign.r20.constantcontact/render?llr=odb6mzmab&v=001mwaRHiQxrQf7eel0vKkNL0AOxQTrRw91eqoasDbNBy3YNpPuxEb2NiNZ7bwbdkajkex8lIFlCxojNDNuBTUBR_mM-LVE-px24csXdsjmv4s1ObAO_2w3xzJjoELCt-0ej7R938f-_3S3G4LdR61_oNLTXAqDOSo1NCBVBsDNUJUC61nH5t3Ttbu2f_mHz5IExtt7ds9XqhYT0tuC-ujcLUpI4abKAgISZq5SboLdshTMf44XQh_hRE7_4PTrjpvrv1krG9BxJyisMmlKX-jfn4vuwm_yzAXnYFcGgNkVl426sADhN5ZcJagnwzrVWAb0fL5XXVVEiTTWuUq2swIpV45HWdmIIT6IkGvwUpPrTnc-bMIiD8B_rwwcoHVLp8tk
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 04:21:17 +0000

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