MOULDING A FLAWLESS SOCIETY INTRODUCTION This world was created - TopicsExpress


MOULDING A FLAWLESS SOCIETY INTRODUCTION This world was created by the creator for the benefit of man, everything inherent is for the pleasures of man and man invariably was created for the benefit of the creator himself. We as humans has being given the freedom to choose the kind of life we want to live but we were equally warned that for every action of ours, there must be an equal reaction for it. Which is why, as we have the ability to mould our society, the kind of society we created for ourselves will tell how we are going enjoy it or not. Man has many right including the right to live freely without any fear, but if our society is of the kind that harbor criminals out of our inactions and negligence of taking keen interest to the breeding that takes place in our society, we should be ready to dance to the tune of the music we started, I mean face the consequences of the bad societal influences. FAMILY AS A BUILDING BLOCK FOR A LARGER SOCIETY Undoubtedly, families are the unit that makes up any society, if we setup good families, our society will in turn be good but if we setup an awkward family, we are doing nothing but adding to the menace of the society at large. For we to mould a flawless society free from inundated crimes and societal vices, we must however make it a priority to set up a very good family which will add possible values to the society, and breed family members that are selfless, kind and are ready to shoulder any responsibility for the sake of promoting societal goodies. To set up an ideal family, we are invariably talking about bringing up our children in the right manner. When we fail to take into cognizance the right upbringing of our wards, then we should be ready for the repercussion in the future. As it is evident today that our children have now resorted into violence and series of crimes. This only shows the ineffectiveness of a good upbringing, because no right thinking mind will see no other thing to do in life but to perpetrate evil at the detriment of other for no just cause. It has been confirmed by researcher that teenager take part in orchestrating crimes due to peer pressure, high proportion of unsupervised time with peers, parental criminality, poor parental discipline and supervision, low family income, poor educational attainment, troubled home life, etc. Young people who were less supervised by their parent and who has friends that had been in trouble were more at risk. Peer influences also encourage these problems either by their actions or inactions, in our music industries today, we preach the negative message to our young people thereby enhancing the horizon and the path in promoting this menace in our society. We can then agree that if we are heedless in making sure that we set up a good family structure which is part of the larger society. A flawless society will definitely be far from reach and we will continue to wallow in an unsecured society, where we will never be at rest due to the increase in crime rates which will be ignited by these children we neglectfully bring up in the right manner. Having established the fact that for us to live freely in a society there is much more importance attached to child upbringing, how then should we bring up our children and form a formidable family which can serve as a model to all families? CHILDREN RIGHT UPBRINGING MAKES A GOOD FAMILY First, we must know that children are the apple of a man’s eyes, they are source of great joy and companionship, so we must treat them with esteem. Because they are our hope, children brings provisions and rewards but this depends on how they, having a good, solid upbringing which will make them respectful, kind and a source of happiness. If we fail to bring our children up in the correct manner, the result will surely be cataclysmic. They will become source of annoyance, frustration and constant concern. No wonder the holy books mentioned that “wealth and sons are allurement (joy) of the world”. It also warned us that “o you who believe, save yourself and your families from a fire whose fuel is man and stones”. This only clearly shows that it is the parent’s job to do all it take for the children to be successful in all their endeavors. Parents are responsible for providng their children with a sound education. The home is the environment in which the little ones grow, it is the milieu in which their inclination, attitude and personality are formed. This explains the importance of the parents’ role in nurturing their young ones and paying equal attention to their physical, mental and spiritual well being. A good parent must understand the psychology of the children and know how to deal with them. Parents should play, joke with their children and tell them words of love and care which will make them happy. Then they too will reciprocate the love and accept the parent’s direction eagerly. This will amount to obedience from the heart of the children which is based on love, respect and trust rather than obedience that will base on violence and cruelty. Another parental duty is to demonstrate love, mercy and affection towards their wards so that they will grow up confident, positive, optimistic and with high level of self esteem. Parents must not however abandon their children and leave them in poverty and misery, this will be tantamount to grave repercussions. The parent must be vigilant to his children and that the children should not feel that he is watching them. If he finds anything objectionable in their reading materials or hobbies, or find that they are hanging around with undesirable friends, or going to unsuitable place, or taking up bad habits or washing time and energy in trivialities and idle pursuit, he put them straight in a gentle and wise manner. We should make sure that the book our children reads should be broadening their minds, building their personalities and offering them good examples. They should not be corrupting them and extinguishing the flame of goodness in their hearts. Children would not have turned against their parents had it been their parents kept them in the right path, recognized their responsibilities towards their children and done their duties as they should. Some parents are even fond of forcing their children to hawk for them to bring daily breads to the table for the family. This is an aberration for whatsoever reasons, even if the parents are incapacitated, it is very wrong to ask the children at their tender age to fend for the family. We are not instilling any good value to their heart if that is what we think rather, we are destroying them and training them to be very useless for the society tomorrow. Because, they ought to be using that time to gather educational values, experiences and taught good moral conducts, but it is unfortunate that the reverse is the case. Parent must instill in the children good manners, such as caring for other, helping the weak, being kind to relatives, respecting elders, being merciful to the young, cheerfully doing good and striving to speak justice among people. Parents should be lenient without being weak and strict without being cruel. Thus the children will grow up in an atmosphere of care, compassion and affection that can produce caring, kind, loyal and righteous children whose personalities are strong, who are willing to give and shoulder their responsibilities. This is the norm for families who raise their children well in the most correct manner. CONCLUSION When this aspect of life is guarded with jealousy and with high level of responsibility, we will be sure of moulding that flawless society, free for all without any fear, happiness and tranquility will always be the order of the day. But if we fail, we shall forever be doomed. A word is enough for the wise. Addaktur Tohir Ibrahim a.k.a Tohbramdakski (Editor-in-chief, National Agency for prohibition of trafficking in persons, NAPTIP CDS, Umuahia south Abia State.) For NAPTIP NYSC CDS, Umuahia South, Abia State. Visit us at
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 08:11:32 +0000

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