MOVE THE SPIRIT PART 4 To find this answer, we must look into - TopicsExpress


MOVE THE SPIRIT PART 4 To find this answer, we must look into journals, on the trials to the INQUISITION COURTS. DRAGON ALARIC and the tribes of SAXON, ANGLIA, MERCIA, and NORTHUMBRITH were known as The KLEOPATRIA TRIBES. After the descendants of the old Roman Empire purchased original land titles from the White Tribes in 1491 A.D., The International Court in Hague through INQUISITION COURTS by jurisdiction from SECUNDUM LUNE DETERMINABANTUR Bacon, VI., s88,;; AERIRA –v- AEREA: AEISAMENTUM –v- AISIAMENTUM:; and AELICUS –v- CAELICUS. now brought to trial White Tribal Descendants who were still in newly purchased Roman Territories as of February 17, 1493 A.D. who were now identified as members of THE AERIUS EMPIRE. What has covered the trail of Rome’s INQUISITION COURTS and Historians even today, haven’t been able to find one MOORISH CITIZEN that ever existed or lived. They can’t even find his language. MORA or MORAC or MOORISH are American Indian expressions that identified members of the AERIUS EMPIRE. These trials were in the language of MEDIEVAL LATIN. Not modern but Medieval. FORGET WHAT HISTORY HAS SAID, WAS THE INQUISITION! The jurisprudence of any type of INQUISITION was HERESY which caused an event world-wide that produced a lifestyle that identified a culture when another lifestyle or Culture came into power that was different. Members of the old culture became HERETICS. HERETICS or HERESY had nothing to do with Religion. It deals primarily with a particular philosophical system which has been isolated as a Sect. EXAMPLE: The CURRENT White Man system is openly called: THE VICTORIAN MORALITY CODE created from ARISTOTLE’S –TOPIC OF TOPICS Intellectual thinking and this same thought system was used in the re-translation of the Christian Bible. Should another Culture replace—the one in the United States, the old members become HERETICS, is what happened in Europe. One White group sold their Land Titles to another White group. They were both ethnoically the same, except one believed in the tribal system while the other believed in the race system. How INQUSITION came into the nations business-was one group who was the same Ethnic background as the other, accused the other of violating one category of 11, in International Law. In the case of the European it was in the category of War Making and procedures. So we have European HERETICS criminally being charged with the offense of HISDE. Because of the category of the offense, a guilty verdict would have to be DEATH. Now, the HAGUE ACCORD did not legally become law till 1888, so the Death Sentence we now know was HANGING, BEHEADING, SCALPING, BURNING AT THE STAKE, and DISMEMBERING OF ARMS AND LEGS foe men. For the women the slaughter of their children and themselves, their skulls sold as drinking cups and their private parts as fish bait, except the young Girls who were placed in concumbere for the GAZEBOS of the privileged until pregnancy and were put to death. Before we get into what the charge of-HISDE was legally, the INQUISITION COURTS will never be able to be accused of being unfair or unjust because to study the words of- AEGYPTIACUS and AEQUAEVUS and the three major court cases in the jurisdiction, European HERETICS were being accused by fellow tribesmen. Unlike American Indians where 75% fall into the category of a sell-out, there is only one(1) class, while European tribes had three (3) classes of sell-outs. It is my belief, the sell-out European was the one that was sent here as members of a Penal Colony to escape the death penalty. HISDE is an old French Language word meaning to FRIGHT! (just like SIOUX is an Old French word, meaning a crazy drunk) To HIDE means to FRIGHT! Because of the charge of HISDE, these accused were classified as RENEGAR (Renegades) and were to be denied any legal court rights. Because of this word, it created the first Police man starting with KOP to COP which still means- TO CATCH, SEIZE, TAKE, and STEAL. At the time referred to tribal people and any property they could have. All that was needed for the Prosecuting Attorney to prove, was the European HERETICS were the descendants of the White Tribes that defeated the Roman Empire back in 408 A.D. who violated International Law by Frightening Soldiers from the battlefields. It’s a matter of documentation. THERE THEY WERE, THE GREAT LEGIONS OF ROME. TO THE NORTH, EAST, SOUTH and WEST, AS FAR AS THE EYES TO SEE IF THE SUN HAD SHOWN ITS LIGHT, TO DEFEAT THE SMALL BAND OF WARRIORS OF ALARIC. To be continued.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 22:20:15 +0000

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