MOVEMENT AGAINST BAD LABOR PRACTICES, ILLEGAL DISMISSAL AND BAD GOVERNANCE Old Ministry of Defense Building Benson & Buchanan Streets Monrovia, Liberia Cell#s: +231 (0) 886-54-00-83/ 888-06-85-80 Email &Face book us on trueadvocacy@yahoo Office of the Executive Director August 16, 2013 Fellow citizens from the fifteen political sub-division of our beloved nation, our international partners, the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), members of the press, distinguish ladies and gentlemen. This movement wishes to extend sincere thanks and appreciation to all international partners and mediators, the over Fifteen Thousand (15,000) gallant men and women of UNMIL and all those who left their respective countries to ensure that we today experience an uninterrupted ten years of silence of gun(s) in Liberia. However, what is more sadden, frustrating and disappointing is to see the Government of Liberia under the leadership of Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, a problematic Noble laureate and a controversial-elected first female president of Africa shamelessly celebrating the silence of guns and claiming to be celebrating 10years of peace. She in fact masterminded the 14years of rebel activities through her humanitarian NGO called The National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL), with an initial contribution of Ten Thousand United States Dollars ($10,000USD) that massacre and slaughter over Two-hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) peaceful Liberians and rape our innocent mothers and sisters as well as destroy billions of dollars worth of properties and render many homeless. As for us we want to remind madam president and her surrogates that peace universally is not limited to the silence of guns. Peace is rather defined universally as: 1. A state of harmony characterized by the lack of violence, conflict behaviors and the freedom from fear of violence, the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationships, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the establishment of equality, and a working political order that serves the true interests of all. 2. A state of mental calm and serenity with no apprehension. 3. Law and Order: the absence of violence or other disturbances within a state. 4. Harmony: freedom of conflict or disagreement among people or groups of people. 5. Is to prevent discord. Contrary to these definitions above, the following had being observed in the Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Government: 1. Illegal demolition of the poverty stricken ordinary Liberians homes. Examples of which include the recent illegal demolition of structures in Congo Town, 24th street, Bomi County, etc. 2. Land conflict in all parts of our country. Examples of land conflict in Nimba, Lofa, Maryland, Margibi, etc. 3. Economic deprivation, inequality and unwarranted poverty of the ordinary masses amidst huge donor funding and bogus concessions agreements, with civil servants receiving less than the cost of living. 4. Poor healthcare delivery system. Example of which include the recent Health-workers strike that led to many deaths including that of pregnant women. 5. Limited coverage of electric Power for a selected few Government Officials and Business Tycoon leaving 98.3% of our people in total darkness. 6. Rampant corruption found in all sector of the Government with insincerity in the fight against corruption with the president playing a deceitful role in tackling the menace. 7. Lack of safe drinking water for majority of our people. 8. Backward educational system with the president calling it a mess and the Deputy Education Minister Edwin Teteh stating that 98% of the total workforces of the ministry of Education are just mere high school graduates. Sadly this Government is doing absolutely nothing meaningful to improve this sector, with the MCSS teachers treating to go on strike soon. 9. Weak and corrupt Judiciary System that is a serious threat to the peace and security of our nation and the undermining of a functional democratic Governance system. 10. Constant brutalization of innocent and peaceful youth and students as well as opposition partisans by two weeks ill-train Liberian National Police Officers which include but not limited to the following incidence: the brutalization of peaceful MCSS students on what has gone down in our nation history as ‘’BLACK TUESDAY”, the shooting and killing of innocent cedians on November 7,2011, The Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY) and The Liberia National Student Union (LINSU) students and youth leaders brutalization saga and the flogging of peaceful Liberians during the Ducor demolition exercise. Therefore, this movement call on all of our people to remain calm amidst these constraints and that real and sustain peace is on the way soon. Trust me!!! Signed: ________________________ Gla Alex M. Williams SECRETARY GENERAL Approved: ______________________ Anthony F. Williams EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 20:59:02 +0000

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