MOVEMENT MONDAY: Hip flexors! As a society, we sit A LOT - in our - TopicsExpress


MOVEMENT MONDAY: Hip flexors! As a society, we sit A LOT - in our cars, at work, while eating, watching TV or get the idea. As a result of this, tight, shortened hip flexors and limited hip mobility are very common. Why should you care? - To put it simply, tight hips inhibit your glutes, making them weak. This increases low back, knee and hamstring injuries as well as significantly decreases your performance and strength and on the aesthetic side of things..can lead to pancake butt. - Tight hips can contribute to knee and lower back pain, poor posture and a host of other issues. - Mobilizing your hips encourages good lifting mechanics, especially during squats and deadlifts. It also encourages good movement quality and motor patterns. When dealing with such restrictions, you always want to address tissue quality first - if your muscle is one big knot, trying to fully lengthen and stretch it is going to be near impossible. This is where foam rolling and manual therapy come in. In the following video I show you two basic drills to help lengthen your hip flexors as well as the most common mistakes when performing them that can reduce their effectiveness. Questions? Leave them below.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 17:03:42 +0000

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