MOVING HADITH Assalamu Aleikoum WA RAHMATOULAHI WA BARAKAATUHU BISMILLAHIR RAHMAANIR RAHIM. Please take 5 minutes of your time to soothe your heart. The messenger of ALLAH, the Prophet MUHAMMAD, peace and blessings be upon him, said, Allah says: - Oh you My creature, I gave you a place in the womb, - I covered your face with a veil so that you do not be scared, - I turned your face towards the back of your mother so that the smell of food does not bother you, - Ive put a support to your right and to your left a support to protect you: - To your right the liver and spleen to your left, - I taught you to stand and sit in the womb. - Is there someone in the world who can do such things for you? - When you arrive at the end of your life: - I will send the Angel of Death to welcome you, - He will host a feather wings. Rappell up ... - You do not have teeth to eat, feet to walk ... - To feed you, I put you two thin veins in the breasts of your mother, - Milk just for you, cold in summer and warm in winter. - If you do not sleep, your mother does not sleep! - If you do not eat, your mother does not eat! - After you have become a strong man, you start to deny me, and you experienced no discomfort in front of me, - Despite this, if you ask me, I give you, - If you invoke, I hear you, - And if you repent, I accept your repentance! - What do you want better than that?? Thank you to pass this message! Lets just see if Satan الشيطان الرجيم may interrupt this chain -Please Say these words: - SubhaanAllah Alhamdu Lillah Allahu Akbar Laa ilaaha ilAllah Muhammadur Rasoolullah Allahumma salli alaa Muhammad wa alaa aalihi wa ashaabihi wa sallam. PLEASE SEND THIS MESSAGE TO THE MAXIMUM GUESTS! - Now behold the list of people to have invoked Allah (SWT) with you: - Admire the power of Allah all around you! do not forget ... *** The punishment of Allah in life, *** The punishment of death, *** The torments of the grave *** The tortures of the Day of Judgment. Note: If you receive this message, send it around you. Allah will reward you for having the most widely circulated! Amin.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 11:42:57 +0000

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