MOVING ON Tumelo took the blanket nd got in his car,he drove to - TopicsExpress


MOVING ON Tumelo took the blanket nd got in his car,he drove to B s home nd stop,came out nd opend the gate, B::tht was fast hey tumelo::(he hugd ger)u are so damn cold gal,lets stay in the car i will leave b4 mama a tsoga,pls B::T my mum wont like tht at all,she like being in control,if she locks tht means i have to slp outside,here with nothing nt in some car Tumelo::she is aslp,she wont see you,stop talking nd lets move or she will wake up B::owk lets go they walkd to the car,as soon as the were abt to open the door of the car,B s mum,opend the door mum::O leka onamele koloi yeo,i swear B,i will disown you, B::i think u should go Tumelo,she is angry,i will talk to you Tumelo::u sure babe B::yeah,just go Tumelo went home nd B got inside,she walk slowly,her heart was beating so fast, B::mum i thought u were slping mum::so wht B,if am aslp u do as u please,wht happend to u mara B::am sry mum but the time i got here it was b4 9 nd u didnt open up for me,i was feeling the coldness out here,i didnt mean to offend you in any way Mum::where did u come frm tht time B,who is tht guy,u knw B when Tshepo called me telling me tht u changed nd u are behaving like a slut,thr is a man after anothr in my house i thought he was joking,i prayd tht he was wrond,wht happend to u nd Tshepo,why did u leave him,for power,money,is tht it B,u lost ur pride nd u sell ur body,ooooh i feel for u,i realy do,if u realy are fine with being a slut i dnt have a say is ur live but not in my house u hear me,i build this house with my two hands,go le boima B,this is my home nd if u dnt want Tshepo u beta go,u beta get the hell out of my house i mean it B::(trying to be calm)so mum Tshepo is the reason for ur coming home without telling me? O rileng Tshepo Ma,did he tell u everything,why do u say this like u dnt want to hear my side of the story hah,the is two side to every story,if u let me tell my side maybe after u can make ur decision Mum::Tshepo told me everything B,nd u beta call him nd apologise or get out thts final B::owk mum,lets say i leave ,lets say u disown me mum nd Tshepo o ya kae,hah or i go so tht he can came,am ur daughter for heaven sake why do u treat me like this Mum:bcs u lost value ,bcs u dnt respect ur body anymore,Tshepo loved u nd did everything for you,when u cheated him with James he never left you,u knw why B,bcs he loves u more than life itself B:(angry)does he,if he realy loved me tht much why did he slp With my best friend while i was at madhouse,my Friend mum,Lulu,why her,worse he asked her to move in with him,if thts wht u call love then am sry but i dnt need tht love it my life, Mum::suprised)he wht? B::oooh the perfect son in law didnt tell you ,did he,well mum Tshepo is nt all sweet nd inocent,he is a bastard,now he is threating me,tht he is gonna kill me,u knw wht i say mum,let him kill me,maybe ke tla khutsa,am so tired,u choose Tshepo over me,how could you mara ma, mum::u knw B,i used to care abt you so much my gal,i remember u very well,when ur dad left us,u promised me tht u wil do all in ur power to be a beta person nd build me the bigest house ,but look at u now,u are nothing,dreamless,u live bcs u are alive,whr did u go wrong child,i wish we could go back,i long for my daughter,am sure ur dad is smiling whr ever he is,he left us sufering nd stil we are suffering,when will tht change B? B::i dnt knw mum,but if in ur eyes u see me as nothing,i guess marrying Tumelo will be a right choice,i will move out of ur house nd be useless somewhr,but now i realy need to rest,if u dnt mind can i get inside ur house? Mum:hhaa so Ke Tumelo,lebitso la gae,he says he want to marry you. Thts all good news,tell him to tell his people do act fast so we get done with it,i dnt want u here anymore,looking at u like this makes me sick after those harsh words she went inside nd waited on the door for B to come inside but she was rather too upset to go in thr ,so she slowly sat down,tears fell down like a rain on her cheeks,wht kind of a mother gives up on her babe? She asked herself tht was she tht much of a disapointment to her mum s eye,yes she wasnt nt working but she never gave up on her life,as she was deep in her thoughts her mum said a u coming in u gonna slp thr? B::i will be fine here mum,i cnt aford to came in ur house after all tht u said to me,i just cant her mum closed the door nd went to slp,mmmmmm B called tumelo tumelo::hey Babe,go iragetseng B(crying)how can my mum say all this to me? To call me a slut,she disownd me Tumelo,are ke go botse to tell ur family to come here so tht u guys can take me away bcs she cant stand staying with a disapoint at her house,how could she? Tumelo::jooooo ur mum said all tht,tht harsh,am sry my babe,realy i am but why is she so upset with u,wht happend, B::Tshepo happend,she said if i dnt get back with Tshepo then i knw whr the gate is, tumelo::well,thts her loss B,nna am gonna make arangements,we get married this wekend nd u come live me,thts it stay tuned
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:48:16 +0000

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