MPAC CONVENTION IS HERE WATCH THE TRAILER HERE: https://youtube/watch?v=7SZjcaohy2A Theme: One Humanity Under God Date: 6th & 7th December, 2014 Venue: National Theatre, Iganmu, Surulere, Lagos State Website: Alhamdulilah our speakers are packed and ready. Some of our foreign speakers have started arriving the country. Our teams have been working round the clock to ensure the best MPAC Convention experience so far for you are your family. We cant wait to see you, because all these are being done to make sure that you become empowered, enriched and inspired during the two days of awesome experience. Dont wait, be our guest. Buy your ticket online, at our appointed sales offices or at the gate. WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT THE MPAC CONVENTION I am really convinced that you have a very important role to play …… In a multi-religious country like Nigeria, one of the ways of playing down the negative roles of suspicion is an event such as this. Rt. Rev. Josiah Idowu-Feron, Anglican Archbishop of the Province of Kaduna Events like this should occur very regularly. If I have my way, it should be quarterly and it should hold in all the regions of the country. This is because it showcases Islam, the real thing. Imam Abdrahman Ahmad, National Missioner, Ansaru-deen Society of Nigeria and Overseas This convention is quite interesting, its even exciting. I have come here to witness interesting things- we have come here to meet Muslims from all over the country and even outside to rub minds. A convention like this must go on, if not every month, but every year. It exposes us to what is going on in the world, and teaches us a lot about our environment. This is a fresh air blowing across the nation. Sheik Abdur-Rasheed Mayaleke
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 09:02:10 +0000

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