MPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT – YOUR JOB IS TO INTERVIEW Your Job Search can be compared to dating. If you don’t date – you’ll never get married. If you don’t interview – you’ll never get a job! Your primary focus must be to schedule as many interviews and informational interviews as possible. If you are not scheduling interviews every week, you need to change the way you are conducting your job search. Chances are you are spending too much time on your computer answering Job Board Postings which is where you have the highest level of competition and lowest return on your time! Benefits of an informational interview include: Learning more about a Profession or Industry Expanding your Professional Network Informational Interviews often end up as an actual job interview Contacts made may open doors to other hiring authorities or introductions Help fine tune your ability to ask and answer questions If you are NOT scheduling interviews weekly, review the following: Your Resume – it can either be a ticket to an interview or sabotaging your job search. (Now may be the time to review or rewrite your resume) Resume Services: zdacareer Increase the number of resumes you are sending directly to hiring authorities (marked Personal & Confidential) Increase your Professional and Personal Network DAILY Offer to provide additional information each time you make a follow up contact Utilize all forms of communication including: direct mail, telephone, email, text etc. Each interview helps you get more comfortable with the interview process and gives you the opportunity to get back to work. When you are planning out your day for tomorrow, ask yourself the question “What actions do I need to take tomorrow to schedule an interview?” If you are NOT actively interviewing on a consistent basis, you need to change the way you are conducting your search. If you have not completed the 16 Step Process for Finding a Job in our Career Portal, that would also add momentum to your search. No matter how long you’ve been in a job search start with PREPARE, then SEARCH & CONNECT and finally INTERVIEW. The Preparation Stage of a Job Search is where most mistakes are made. Follow this advice and you will schedule more interviews which can turn around your job search!
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 19:58:34 +0000

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