MR PM, DO NOT TAKE THE SABAHANS NOR THE SARAWAKIANS FOR GRANTED. THE FIVE DECADES OF INJUSTICES ACCORDED TO THESE TWO EQUAL PARTNERS SPEAK VOLUME ABOUT YOUR VINDICTIVE REGIME BENT ON PILFERING ALL THEIR WEALTH & IGNORING THE 18/20 POINT AGREEMENT AS WELL AS THE INFAMOUS PROJECT IC, COURTESY OF MAMAKUTTY. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, THE DAYS OF EXPLOITATION BY YOUR OPPRESSIVE GOVERNMENT IS COMING TO AN END. RACISM, NEPOTISM, CRONYISM, NO OPEN TENDERS FOR MEGA-PROJECTS, RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY AND CORRUPTION ARE THE EVIL AGENDAS OF YOUR PARTY. WE DO NOT WANT ANY PART OF YOUR SELF-DESTRUCTIVE MOTTO DIVIDE & RULE. AT THIS RATE, SABAH & SARAWAK WILL FIGHT FOR INDEPENDENCE BECAUSE WE WANT OUR FREEDOM AND RIGHTS BACK. BN IS A CURSE TO US & THE BIGGEST ROBBER IN THE WORLD ,OF THIS MILLENNIUM AGE!!!!! QUOTE: Native Christians want PM Datuk Seri Najib to act against political Islam. Today we assemble here in Ranau to execute our mamangkis, the clarion call of the Anak Negeri (natives) against extreme political Islam. We will mamangkis (war cry) again and again, from town to town, kampung to kampung until the voice of the anak negeri is heard by Putrajaya. The threat comes from political Islam and extremism from Semenanjung and misguided elements in Putrajaya. This has seen the alarming conversions of Anak Negeri, many of whom Bumiputera Christians converted to Islam through intimidation, threat, deception and inducements. Rest assured we do not see Muslims, and those who become Muslims by choice, as our enemies. We have always embraced them as our brothers and sisters. In Sabah, we are one big family with Christians and Muslims living in peace and harmony side by side even within the same family. But we want to make it very plain that for the past 50 years we have been in Malaysia, we have been facing threats from extreme political Islam to systematically eradicate our cultural heritage as Christians and our ethnicity as Anak Negeri, the true sons and daughters of Sabah. Some call this a form of genocide. History teaches us that the controversy over the use of ‘Allah’ word is not new. Our Alkitab, the Malay language Bible, was banned 33 years ago. It is still banned as evident by one fatwa after another. It is not about one word. It’s a long term strategy of extreme political Islam to dominate. UNQUOTE Full article: malaysia-chronicle/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=218441:stop-the-political-islam-it-is-not-what-we-signed-up-for-in-msia-agreement-swakians-tell-najib&Itemid=2#ixzz2rUKko4hn Follow us: @MsiaChronicle on Twitter
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 03:54:50 +0000

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