MR. PRESIDENT, WE BEG A PARDON ON THE CREDIBILITY OF MINISTERS MINISTERING OUR COUNTRY AND HEAVY TAXES WE PAY. None of the flesh on earth was born and die sinless. And none of the politicians in Malawi and beyond live and leave sinless in the name of Honorable Minister or MP and what have you. Repeatedly, CRITIQUE MALAWI team have emphasized that the innocent Malawians are being ruled or led by criminals. Of course natural law of politics we have come to understand is that one does not to break the law but only bend it, as long as vows not to become a permanent enemy or friend in the game of politics. Here we discuss the credibility of those in policy and high-level technocrats positions as is absolutely decayed that we do not need external observers to alert us. Oh! We beg a pardon, it is the President Professor (PP) one out of order, or by design of our constitution. As all powers invested in me virus infect and then affect the nation to decide a concoction of the people to be running the affairs of this land. Its normal that a counselor do seek counseling form another counselor, a man of God seek another man of God for deliverance. And in my homeland, a Security officer seeking security, a Judge to be Judged and so on. Very normal indeed. But it seems its very possible for a Anti-Corruption to be Corrupted, is it? As Ministers who are supposed to be answering charges are the ones administering their own charges because they are in the positions of authority. What do you expect in such management and administration of justice. Is it law and order? Mr. President, CRITIQUE MALAWI as it continues with its role of taking issues critically, understands your vision and inspiration that you have in the rebuilding of our mother Malawi. The vision sounds good but when eyes attempts to witness who you have started with to realize your vision, more questions than answers would come out if parliament was mandated to vet their names, if the commoner in Mpherembe or in Goliati. The latest is a vivid example of Her Excellency Madam Dr. Joyce Banda, your predecessor. Herself attempted to have a vision for Malawi but the people who were thought to be comrades ended to be her political viruses. They failed her because of political mediocrity. For sure, issues of merit might be used in defense to issues raised in this analysis. Therefore, we all need to understand that when we talk of it merit must be a complete set. Not only in terms of political progress and education (of course loyalty will kill our mission) but moral factors in the line of duty. Birds of the same feathers fly to....together....! Hope Mr. President has different feathers, hope so..... We dont need to conclude so but earnestly beg a pardon that credibility of the team to help in the implementation of your vision be appetizing. Not creatures whom yesterday were involved in cash-gate, today they are involved in fishy timber deals, tomorrow they are bulldozing contracts. We beg a pardon as we hope that one day, A CRITICAL LEADER WILL CRITICALLY CRITIQUE ALL BLACK SHEEPS WITHOUT POLITICAL FEARS OR FAVOURS for a clean Malawi.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 11:31:03 +0000

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