MSDs stepping down....undoubtedly would create a great void in - TopicsExpress


MSDs stepping down....undoubtedly would create a great void in Indian cricket wich would take some filling. Though my friends may disagree.. I am not making a comparsion but I see that his absence would pinch us more than the retirement of Sachin Tendulkar. As proven time and again its not the best player who makes the best captain . The skills, techniques, stamina... are all fine to be a good player but being a successful captain is a different ball game all together. Its all about withstanding the pressure, keeping a cool head ,inspire the team members, be mentally tough and aggressive ( not necessary verbally) and above all a great temperament Such qualities we have seen in few leaders in world cricket like Steve waugh, Hanse Kronje, Viv Richards, Allan Border & Imran Khan. I would still rate Dhoni as the best among the lot and by far the best captain team India ever had.Self belief is another aspect i admire him for and the confidence he has in finishing off all by himself. Just think of pressure cooker situation matches in recent past ... and to the best of my knowledge under his captaincy we have won almost all cliffhangers and it was he who saved us from the #chokers tag. He had the knack of absorbing huge pressure, without showing an iota of it on his face and that should explain the grey hairs on his head which have come rather prematurely. The rather untimely exit must have had other reasons in the back ground too other than his injury including emergance of Kohli as a replacement, match fixing allegations in the #IPL , and poor run in foreign pitches. Though we have been his victims of his surprises....I disagree to see this as a planned move as such decisions are un likley to come in the middle of a tour. Perhaps he started getting the feeling that the team members are no more in his circle as the younger lot would have other preferences. Kohli undoubtedly is the player of the current era and will scale great heights. However I still feel its too early to see him in the captain shoes. temperment is the biggest issue i find, and at times over aggressive , be it against his Indian team counterpart in an IPL game. Captaincy was rather thrust upon him when there were no takers the only candidates; #yuvi was seen as the angry young man and #Viru was far too casual and easy going. The man scripted so many success stories for India in the years followed. Making way to Indian team from a small town in Ranchi itself was a big feat, the boy was flamboyant, happy go lucky in nature and didnt give a damn when sent out to bat. The metamorphosis from the long haired swashbuckling boy to the fashionable and composed icon at the helm of the affairs was rather fast and eventful. Undoubtedly a great learner who adapted to the situation instantly... just look at the way his body language, communication, public speaking, style statement and commercial value has changed..any similar examples to quote? He was a strategist and as shrewd as a wily politican when it came to team selection, and had shown favoritism for his own gang including Ashwin, Jadeja, Ishant etc same time giving the boot to Viru, Gambhir. While Sachin was given a memorable farewell, we have been cruel to Saurav , #VVS, #Viru and #Yuvi. Not sure if the last 2 would ever get a chance to play for India again. Dhoni obviously didnt want to meet a similar fate and the king of surprises was quick to respond before the outcries got louder. Saurav had made a remark that MSD should quit... and had India lost the 3rd test it would have echoed through many throats. Go back a day.... to save the test with a draw we all were praying MSD to hang in there and as usual he didnt let us down. His records are not so great and his techniques not enough for a long innings but he has overcome all those with sheer grit . His technique was poor, limited armory... but overcame it all with sheer power and commitment.. could have stayed for a longer time for sure.whatever abuses or negative are hurled against him off the field... i see him as the best thing that has happened to Indian cricket... the greatest contributor.. and one who has inspired many from small towns to take up cricket as a career. Its rather remarkable that he never got into on field arguments or spats just like sachin.. and always did his bat and gloves do the talking. Moreover he was a dreaded figure for opponent teams as they feared him the most and never messed around with him or tried to sledge him. Hope there are no further internal politics and we will see him leading us in ODIs and T20 for some more time. We owe you #MSD for some finest moments in our life the image of you hitting the Sixer, winning the world cup for us, standing still and your eyes glued on the sailing ball is enough to treasure for a life time.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 13:23:55 +0000

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