MSG from Christo Bell addressed to ONG >< OMG Why do you keep - TopicsExpress


MSG from Christo Bell addressed to ONG >< OMG Why do you keep blocking and deleting your host> Laetitia Cook Cheesus MSG to you from Me ? By this evil deleting way, she isnt your wife, but Mine until King Conrad Williams Arc sorts himself OUT of his den, stops drinking Jack Daniels & shows up to tie the butterfly knot with LCC at SSPX ! The budda in your garden shelter in Maida Vale where the queen is sleeping will have to go in hiding as I cant be asked to have a man made God compete with Me in the same room. What are you doing today worshipping a false man made God again by this nice weather, any BBQ I must attend ? HELL oh! BBQ ! Madonna the T.hai Pink Panther told Me that you and your dad are LIARS. I AM afraid shes right about that, sadly :( Liars will not inherit My Kingdom in Heaven. The will grill in hell with the prince & father of lies, namely the D.evil ! SSPX FAQs Catholic principles some texts as guiding principles in todays crisis These quotes and texts are used in conjunction with the SSPX FAQs section 1. The Catholic Church is divine. Moreover, in order that we may perform satisfactorily the duty of embracing the true faith and of continuously persevering in it, God, through His only-begotten Son, has instituted the Church and provided it with clear signs of His institution, so that it can be recognized by all as the guardian and teacher of the revealed word. (Vatican I, Dz The Catholic Church firmly believes, professes, and proclaims that those not living within Her, not only pagans, but also Jews, heretics, and schismatics, cannot become participants in eternal life but will depart into everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels (Mt. 25:41), unless before the end of life the same have been added to the flock...(Council of Florence, Dz 714). 3. The Catholic Church is visible and indefectibleMoreover, what the Chief of pastors and the Great Pastor of sheep, the Lord Jesus, established in the blessed Apostle Peter for the perpetual salvation and perennial good of the Church, this by the same Author must endure always in the Church which was founded upon a rock and will endure firm until the end of the ages. (Vatican I, Dz 1824 [cf. Dz 1793 above]). The one Church of Christ is visible to all and will remain, according to the Will of its Author, exactly the same as He instituted it. (Pius XI, Mortalium Animos, §15). ☆☆☆ Have sent a few texts to ONG but I am getting no response so far Text 1: Can you pls make your flute video available for the public to hear on Face Book. Christo Bell has shared your video with the U.K government and poop celebs in hellyweird. Pls go to your settings immediately and make it public 2. Ong, what are you up to ? Tony is sleeping all day :( 3. Are you upset at me ? 4. Why are you not replying ? 5. Are we still meeting at Queens Way tomorrow at 6 for another movie session or shall I go back to your flat and skip your entertainment cos youre in a BAD mood ? 6. Why are you ignoring my text ? Are you the Anti_Christ ? Do you really think the Risen Lord God Jesus-Christ Christo Bell can cohabit with your beloved idol budda in the same room ? 7. Let me know if you want to kick me out of D garden shelter now. I am scared to go back and show disrespect to your idol. I saw two horns up on each side of buddas shoulders. It keeps me from having sweet dreams at knight. What is going to happen to me if I remove the frame and hide it somewhere underground, bad karma ? I think Christs pain cant get worst at this stage anyway, as far as I am concerned. I cant stay at Tonys cos hes an atheist and sleeps all day so I dont know where 2 go now. 8. Pls take a look at this link sspxasia/Newsletters/2001/July-Sep/Sir_Lankan_Inculturation.htm Ong finally responded: Bonjour Laetitia, seule et unique joie de ma vie. Meet me 5pm Queensway tube station today ok Laetitia: Pls listen VERY CARE FULLY to this podcast crazy ONG I am not casting a spell on you as you do with your bad karma !!! ☆☆☆ -------- Original message -------- From: Maryjane dArc-en-Ciel Date:18/05/2014 16:39 (GMT+00:00) To: Father Cathal (an irish Vatican 2 Sect Novus Ordo priest promoting the msgs of Maria Divine Mercy -MDM-) Subject: MSG to polish Justyna who is distributing the DANGEROUS MASONIC MEDALS to SSPX parishoners, msg sent to Justyna regarding last MSG from MDM - MDM false prophet Hi justyna, pls forgive me for distracting your holy recollection at confession on Sun day. I forgot to take with me the protection case and pen for your note 3 phone. I will try hard to remember to bring your gift next week - end. Hope you enjoy the sun today and that we can be like sisters soon, if not friends as you stated. Also just read last msg from MDM. What does she mean, you reckon, when she writes they can gather all creeds together ??? Is the man she is talking about in following link the messiah complex antichrist spoken of on Russell Brands facebook fan page ? I am exposing so ! thewarningsecondcoming/i-will-raise-up-within-my-church-a-man-who-will-stand-up-and-proclaim-the-truth/ The man I will raise is a brave soul and many will be relieved when he speaks up. When he does this, many more will rise up and speak out, thereby saving many souls. When he is raised, I have other plans to bring all those faiths together, who do not accept Me, Jesus Christ, as being the Son of God. All of these Divine Plans have been foretold and millions and millions of people from across the world will then realise the Truth. They will then swell and be blessed by Me, so they can gather all creeds together, with the sole purpose of ensuring that the True Word of God is proclaimed. BEWARE & BE WARN & BE WARN of FALSE PROPHET ! Signed: archinthesky Prophecy Warn All Facebook: https://m.facebook/arcenciel.valery Check out closely MDM’S RED LOGO of the cross and the crown. Then pls read link on wikipedia The symbol is also associated with Freemasonry, specifically the Knight Templar degree of the York Rite of Freemasonry. The symbol is also known as Knight Templars Blood-Red Passion Cross and Crown. The cross and crown symbol is often surrounded by the phrase In Hoc Signo Vinces, which is Latin for By this sign thou shalt conquer. This is a reference to the story of Constantine, who reportedly had a vision of a Chi Rho symbol, and a voice saying By this sign thou shalt conquer https://google/search?gws_rd=cr&q=Masonic+sign+of+crown+and+cross&cad=b&cad=cbv&sei=fkZuU-OGDcSuO9X3gegN Masonic Symbols in Maria Divine Mercys Seal of the Living God? Pls read on following link MDM says pope benedict is the good pope that all must follow... Pls read 101 Heresies of Antipope Benedict XVI on following link patrickpollock/101heresiesofbenedictxvitract2.html If anyone holds to one single one of these (heresies) he is not a Catholic. -- Pope Leo XIII (from the Encyclical Satis Cognitum: 9) midwaystreet.wordpress/2013/11/11/8/ Mary Carberry (MDM) 3was a follower of the Irish psychic Joe Coleman who began receiving visions in 2009. IrishCentral reported, “Before his most recent trips and visitations at Knock, Coleman worked as a healer. He ran spiritual development courses and gave clairvoyant readings before the revenue commissioners started looking into his finances. Though he was charging €40 a session for clairvoyant readings he insisted that he never charged for any kind of information to do with his visions of the Virgin Mary.” Carberry was instrumental in promoting Coleman in broadcast and print media, may have written his book, The Message, and maintained his Web site. It is believed she wrote a letter on Nov. 1, 2010, to Ronald Conte at CatholicPlanet defending Coleman and claiming, “I am the second visionary. We both see our Lady as well as her beloved son Jesus Christ.” She made a prediction : The Tribulation has already started. The second half starts at the end of 20-12/beginning of 2013.” The correspondence is signed only “Mary” and adds, “I can’t give you my surname unfortunately.” Seven days later Maria Divine Mercy [MDM] emerged from anonymity to…more anonymity to receive her first official communication from God and by Feb. 2011 a slickly designed Web site called thewarningsecondcoming went “live.” As with Mary’s letter to Conte, the new visionary repeats the command from the Virgin Mary that the messages from heaven be published. Since MDM emerged, Coleman says he has not seen Mary Carberry, though his current website publishes her name in a notice for a 2012 prayer meeting. If people are not in the State of Grace and start associating with mediums, false prophets, well then it is no surprise that they too become infested with the demonic which often leads to visions, prophecies etc but they are not from God, they are totally FALSE.” This article convinced me that MDM is a false seer working for the masonic Knights Templar midwaystreet.wordpress/2013/11/11/8/comment-page-2/ More than a year into the visions, Maria Divine Mercy received a protective “seal of the living God” prayer – Number 33 – from her “Jesus” that an enterprising San Diego, California, graphic artist designed into a parchment-colored piece of paper with the prayer, related text, and graphic elements, including a prominent image of a red seal. The seal, according to Maria’s “Jesus,” is His “promise of Salvation” [a clear break from Catholic doctrine]. The paper “seal” has supernatural power to protect all who accept it up to the second coming of Christ. The seal paper, translated into 16 languages, is downloadable atTheWarningSecondComing to be printed and prominently displayed in homes. All seals, past, present, and future have been pre-blessed at MDM’s request by “Padre Dominic La Fleur” – King of Mercy, Canada. La Fleur writes atinternetgebetskreis, “If they [ordained ministers] refuse [to bless the seals], I gotcha covered! Zap!” Mary had a message from her alleged Jesus to convey to the artist: Jesus approves the seal and appreciates the artist’s good work. The prayer excludes mention of “Jesus” or “Lord” or “Christ.” Curiously, the artist dismisses any special powers assigned to the document he created, or the red-colored stamp itself, which may be purchased from the artist’s catalog of copyrighted graphics that include a symbol of Freemasonry. [Coincidentally, there are 33 degrees to Freemasonry and this is prayer 33.] Mary Carberry was a follower of the Irish psychic Joe Coleman who began receiving visions in 2009. IrishCentral reported, “Before his most recent trips and visitations at Knock, Coleman worked as a healer. He ran spiritual development courses and gave clairvoyant readings before the revenue commissioners started looking into his finances. Though he was charging €40 a session for clairvoyant readings he insisted that he never charged for any kind of information to do with his visions of the Virgin Mary.” Carberry was instrumental in promoting Coleman in broadcast and print media, may have written his book, The Message, and maintained his Web site. It is believed she wrote a letter on Nov. 1, 2010, to Ronald Conte at CatholicPlanet defending Coleman and claiming, “I am the second visionary. We both see our Lady as well as her beloved son Jesus Christ.” She made a prediction later repeated by MDM: The Tribulation has already started. The second half starts at the end of 20-12/beginning of 2013.” The correspondence is signed only “Mary” and adds, “I can’t give you my surname unfortunately.” Seven days later Maria Divine Mercy [MDM] emerged from anonymity to…more anonymity to receive her first official communication from God and by Feb. 2011 a slickly designed Rosicrucian Web site calledthewarningsecondcoming went “live.” archinthesky/zara-the-fairy-and-her-horse-valvert/?wppa-album=8&wppa-photo=201&wppa-occur=1 +++ VIEW ALL GOATS HEAD PIX & COMMENTS ATTACHED HERE https://m.facebook/story.php?story_fbid=305468742937081&id=100004218732893 MDM FALSE PROPHET I found a very interesting article about the false Irish prophet and dangerous freemason seer coming from the Vatican 2 Sect called Maria Divine Mercy (MDM). midwaystreet.wordpress/2013/11/11/8/comment-page-2/ Like anti-pope Francis her best mate, she promotes and embraces INTERNATIONAL COMMUNIST_NAZI ZIONISM => Purim: A Festival of Hate and an Insight into How Jewish Supremacists view Gentiles davidduke/purim-a-festival-of-hate-and-an-insight-into-how-jewish-supremacists-view-gentiles/ + gets everyone ready for D Illuminati One World Religion of the upcoming messiah of the SATANIC UNREPENTANT Jews: the Antichrist aka man of sin and lawlessness, the son of satan ! thewarningsecondcoming/you-my-two-witnesses-on-earth-must-stand-your-ground/ She currently spreads many other deceitful heresies such as to state that Jesus went to India & England before his death. This false gnostic theosophic & heretical doctrine has to do with the legend of the grail, Merlin the sorcerer, Arthur and the Dark knights of D masonic round table, GOOGLE SEARCH ! thewarningsecondcoming/mother-of-salvation-we-first-went-to-judea-and-then-my-son-was-taken-to-india-persia-egypt-greece-and-england/ + many more lies from that evil horny greedy G
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 09:42:56 +0000

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