MTN EXPLOITATION MUST STOP Today i spoke to a friend who - TopicsExpress


MTN EXPLOITATION MUST STOP Today i spoke to a friend who happens to be an MTN employee but before i knew what was supposed to be a normal conversation between friends turned into a hurl of insults...some of which cannot be reproduced here. She abused me for lacking what to do and instead engaging in tarnishing MTNs otherwise good image. She claimed i was a cheap popularity seeker, lacking serious things to do. She questioned my can a saved person engage in things that are negative...? I think she was inches away from sounding physical to remind me how i was ugly (but be sure that i know by heart) LoL Throughout the conversation she was questioning whether i knew how hard it is build a company like MTN and kept on throwing at me whether i myself could ever own one. She further told me how the talk making rounds in the corridors (most likely MTN) was that am frustrated with myself and or a hater just. The last question she asked me was...what have you gained out of this? This is not a conversation worth sharing but the purpose of highlighting this because i have realised a few things during our conversation. 1. African Elites as a danger to their own society I cannot imagine that even if someone is an employee of MTN can question why people are against being exploited. They are usually quick at telling us SYSTEM ERROR because they are used to dealing with the ignorant, vulnerable and going away with come the system error only cheats the customer? Why cant an error do reverse and cheat MTN itself? 2. Our Education system furthers our behaviour to exhibit our inferiority complexes. A Ugandan working with MTN feels more obliged to MTN than they are to Uganda. However much you remind them how its simply a job and how they work for the money (perceived favour) they earn. 3. Most of the young generation is completely erased from the realities of their motherland. 4. In Africa, the social injustices are performed through our own against ourselves. For instance Apartheid, and denial of Value for money to which this campaign against MTNgonya is based. Sometime back racism was exhibited at bar called Blue Mango next to Kabila Club... top personalities in this town went to eat out but a black waiter refused to serve them on orders of the boss. Thank God, that bar closed. Some of the embarassed patrons that night worked at MTN; so i get surprised (or do i really have to be surprised?) a Ugandan MTN employee not understanding the purpose of Ugandans rising up against being cheated. And instead chooses to call names, label, hate their fellow citizens over a genuine cause. Last but least all these wont deter, derail, extort our good intentions in this struggle against Citizenry consumer exploitation. We shall continue to fight MTN consumer exploitation. Soon we are going to announce our next step... we are ready face this monstrous exploiter until we save our Ugandan consumer. Together we can #stopMTNgonya
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 11:05:52 +0000

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