MU; LEMARIA AND ATLANTIAN PAST CIVILIZATION Recent noticed explosions in our galactic past; incurred by way of supernova; (the star Vella blew) and is responsible for several heavenly calamity; between fourteen thousand and eleven thousand years ago; the star Villa was only forty five light years away from the earth; yet, matter arrived after initial shock waves had hit the earth; and up to five impact times; this being the fifth type of sun spoken about by the Toltec; and actons arrived at up to a hundred times the speed of light; yet it took about thousand years for comet and asteroid to wreak havoc and have caused local disaster. This was a time where Asia was connected to the Americas and also of an old past equator; and now sunken lands; in three thousand one hundred BC a near miss; yet huge tidal waves and fiery rain; major meteorite collisions set off an earth tremble of volcanism, quakes and tsunamis; other disasters took place in twenty two thousand BC; ten suns appeared and nearly burnt everything up; and a meteorite tail caused more fire and water destruction. Unguessed as yet an ancient archeological under water past; equator cities; discovery awaiting; the abyss of the deep oceans; liter, today only as legend remain; sit undisturbed for hundreds and thousands of years; to be covered over at the bottom of the ocean; this is what is happening when the poles shift from wandering cosmic celestial impacts; the earth is renewed of its surface. Did you know right now your traveling at twenty nine kilometers per second? Chasing after the orbital spiral around Alcyone that is situated in the Pleideis; and also magnetic reaction of the sun switching poles; as it recently did on February fifteenth two thousand and one; where it switched one hundred degrees of polarity; and this has caused a weaker southern zone below the suns equated; that at this moment is pulling our South Pole over to it; tilting the earth about twenty three degrees off the suns line of vortexual orbit; Our solar system share, a gravitational orbit with the Dog Star Sirius ; that is also traveling around Alcyone; that is on the same gravitational plane as the Dog Star Sirius and space is not even; it has mountains and waterfalls; and also goldy locks positions exist and can change; as what happened to Mars; the earth would have traveled 2,573,388,726 kilometers per day; and as indicated, the earth at this moment is having its South Pole tugged toward the suns southern equator. Did you know this is happening in four dimensions? And gravity waves pass right through a faraday cage; and is millions of times faster than light; in one second, light has circled the earth seven times; light is very slow; can you imagine energy in space is a hundred times faster than light? Light is very slow; it takes eight minutes for the suns original ray to get to the earth; yet, gravity is instant; A Jubb second gets you to the Pleidies in one to the forty sixth of a second; a gravity wave is relatively instant; or, you can say its a much closer happening in time and space. Did you know the South Pole of our earth is facing the center of our galaxy? Did you know we are spiraling along, chasing our sun, that is itself chasing after Alcyone in the Pleideis System; and also has an accompanying star, called the Dog Star Sirius? All celestial bodies are buoyed up in a magnoelectric ether; of, spaces; such a magnetic fields flux exist around the earth; and, all is subject to its force vectors; that, change as a result of the sun; being an electrically live vortex; that, is itself is vortexing and spiraling along through space its self. As a new, east west forms; the earth blows its self out at the new equator; and past all equatorial areas become drastically subducted where this region of the earth, finds its self in a lower or higher latitude; and, this is on a vast scale; because, the earth is forty two kilometers wider at the equator; than its north and south poles. Can you see how the earth is an open system? That over eons of times past; it is twelve times larger than it was when our continental crusts fitted together; in a time of Pangea, where the thin crusts underneath the oceans had not formed yet; the earth since then has I accumulated more water and hydrogen; as a portal exists between the moon and the earth; such that, the earth accumulates more hydrogen, and continues to grow; hydrogen and other celestial mater can get in thought this portal; and, it also can escape; and is pulling all the land masses north, because the earths South Pole is facing the center of our galaxy; and the North Pole is facing away from the center of our galaxy. Love David xxx
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 21:35:50 +0000

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