MUAWEEYA LAEEN WAS KHALIFA FOR SUNNI FOR 19 YEARS. SUNNI WERE PRAYING SALAH UNDER HIS IMAMAT. HE DID EVERY THING AGAINST ALI (AS) HENSE AGAINST ISLAM. TO THIS DAY SUNNI FOLLOW HIS RULES. I came across the following information as the origin of Sunni name. I asked 100′s of sunni scholars but nobody knew the origin of Sunni name then I researched myself from sunni books and found the following reason. 1- Umer bin Khatab appointed a small council from his death bed to appoint his successor with the condition that his successor has to follow the sunnah of his predessors (AbuBaker and Umer) and if the nominee does not accept this condition his head should be cut off. The council offered Khilafat to Ali (as) with this condition but Ali (as) said . ““I shall act according to the Book of God, and the Sunna of His Apostle. As for following the precedents of Abu Bakr and Umar, I have a judgment of my own, and I am going to use it.” The council did not cut his head. Uthman accepted that condition and became Khalifa. After the death of Uthman, Ali (as) became Khalifa and Muaweeya became against him. Muaweeya needed something against Ali (as) so he told his followers that Ali (as) rejects the sunnah of AbuBaker and Umer but Muaweeya accepts the sunnah of AbuBaker and Umer. Muaweeya called his followers AHLE-SUNNAH. There were no newspapers, TV, Radio, good transportation at that time. Ruler’s orders were the only news. If anybody was against the ruler, they used to cut his head off. Many people joined Muaweeya and were known as Ahle-Sunnah. Muaweeya fought with Ali (as) and made a fraudulent pact with Ali (as). Muaweeya realized that he could not fool Muslims forever so he declared that he had treaty with Ali (as). NOW WE ARE UNITED AS ONE UMMAH. He added WA JAMAIT to show unity among all Muslims. Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamait became the religion of rulers. It fitted well for them. Every ruler after Muweeya protected this Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamait because it accepted them Khalifa. THIS IS ALL IN SUNNI BOOKS. Uthman empire started as SULTAN not Khalifa but then they realized the political benefits of Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamait. They became Ahle-Sunnah wal Jamait and declared themselves KHALIFA. This is the origin of Ahle-sunnah wal Jamait (SUNNI). WHY MUAWEEYA LAEEN REVERSED ANYTHING ALI (AS) USED TO DO EVEN WUDU? QURAN:5:6] O you who believe! when you prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands to the elbows; Rub your heads ; and your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allah doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favour to you, that ye may be grateful. The Messenger of Allah said: Loving Ali is the sign of belief, and hating Ali is the sign of hypocrasy. Sunni references: - Sahih Muslim, v1, p48; - Sahih Tirmidhi, v5, p643; - Sunan Ibn Majah, v1, p142; - Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal v1, pp 84,95,128 - Tarikh al-Kabir, by al-Bukhari (the author of Sahih), v1, part 1, p202 - Hilyatul Awliya, by Abu Nuaym, v4, p185 - Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v14, p462 We recognized the hypocrites by their hatred of Ali. Sunni references: - Fadail al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p639, Tradition #1086 - al-Istiab, by Ibn Abd al-Barr, v3, p47 - al-Riyad al-Nadirah, by al-Muhib al-Tabari, v3, p242 - Dhakhair al-Uqba, by al-Muhib al-Tabari, p91 Ali (RA) said: By him who split up the seed and created something living, the Apostle (may peace and blessing be upon him) gave me a promise that no one but a believer would love me, and none but a hypocrite would nurse grudge against me. - Sahih Muslim, English version, Chapter XXXIV, p46, Tradition #141 Abu Huraira narrated: The Prophet (PBUH&HF) looked toward Ali, al-Hasan, al-Husain, and Fatimah, and said: I am in the state of war with those who will fight you, and in the state of peace with those who are peaceful to you. Sunni references: (1) Sahih al-Tirmidhi, v5, p699 (2) Sunan Ibn Majah, v1, p52 (3) Fadail al-Sahaba, by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v2, p767, Tradition #1350 (4) al-Mustadrak, by al-Hakim, v3, p149 (5) Majma al-Zawaid, by al-Haythami, v9, p169 (6) al-Kabir, by Tabarani, v3, p30, also in al-Awsat (7) Jamius Saghir, by al-Ibani, v2, p17 (8) Tarikh, by al-Khateeb al-Baghdadi, v7, p137 (9) Sawaiq al-Muhriqah, by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Ch. 11, section 1, p221 (10) Talkhis, by al-Dhahabi, v3, p149 (11) Dhakhair al-Uqba, by al-Muhib al-Tabari, p25 (12) Mishkat al-Masabih, by Khatib al-Tabrizi, English Version, Tdadition #6145 (13) Others such as Ibn Habban, etc. Narrated Sad Ibn Abi Waqqas: Muawiyah, the son of Abu Sufyan, give order to Sad, and told him: What prevents you that you are refraining from cursing Abu Turab (nickname of Ali)? Sad replied: Dont you remember that the Prophet said three things about (the virtue of) Ali? So I will never curse Ali. Sunni reference: Sahih Muslim, Chapter of Virtues of Companions, Section of Virtues of Ali, Arabic, v4, p1871, Tradition #32. The Governor of Medina who was one of the members of the house of Marwan called Sahl Ibn Sad, and ordered him to curse Ali. But Sahl refused to do so. The governor said: If you dont want to curse Ali, just say God curse Abu Turab (the nickname of Ali). Sahl said: Ali did not like any name for himself better than Abu Turab, and Ali used to become very happy when somebody would call him Abu Turab. Sunni reference: Sahih Muslim, Chapter of Virtues of Companions, Section of Virtues of Ali, Arabic version, v4, p1874, Tradition #38.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 20:58:57 +0000

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