MUHAMMAD HAQUE on the DARK AGEIST IDS -Iain duncan Smith - and - TopicsExpress


MUHAMMAD HAQUE on the DARK AGEIST IDS -Iain duncan Smith - and his fellow-travelling "Labour Party" spokesman Liam Byrne and on the urgent need for creating an environment of dignity in Social Security within the framework of Legality, due process, morality and Constitutionality PUBLISHED on the website of the London INDEPENDENT Muhammad Haque • 5 minutes ago − Is it permissible to question you [Independent online] on the sources you cite in this piece? You attribute to Liam Byrne the dreadfully corrupting assertion about “Labour’s compulsory jobs guarantee” without putting any evidential substance to it. What are you doing by that assertion? What is Byrne doing with that lie? What that assertion says is that there are jobs available in the Economic for the economically, socially and educationally and consequently emotionally most in need of support! If this were the case then there should be jobs for those without needing that kind of support. Which raises the question: where in the UK economy are those jobs? On the matter of Liam Byrne, the less reference to him is made the better for the truth. He has no credibility where evidence is at the core of the policy and the practice. And just to complete the comment on that part of the emptiness on the “"Opposition" [House of Commons, the "Palace of Westminster"]”, Ed Miliband and Ed Balls have been proven to be dependent on the Neo Cons PR lines. Neither Ed has said, suggested anything that shows that they know anyone with any expense of just how corrupt UK “Benefits Bureaucracy” has been at the centre. You need to look at the latest evidence of the Public accounts Committee which sowed the current DWP Permanent Secretary Robert Devereux coming across with unreliable, unaccountable answers about so many contradictions at the core of the DWP bureaucracy which make any claim by any backer of the bureaucracy very seriously open to question on very serious legal, Constitutional, ethical and Social and Societal grounds. Now on to your headline piece: You give Iain Duncan Smith too much credit without citing a single piece of independent evidence that can justify his assertions that you quote far less your heading to the piece as mainly based on him. You also continue to perpetuate the myth of lawlessness in the delivery of Constitutionally owed duties by the UK central Government Departments. You must show that you recognise the role of the existing Courts and judicial establishment in the UK as parts of the State that is supposed to be delivering services to people. If you did recognise the courts and the judicial establishment then you would have had to admit that they were massively failing to hold the DWP to account. By extrapolating on the numbers of court claims that I am aware of which the “lower” county courts routinely fail to hear, it is quite possible to find that thousands of such cases and claims against the DWP are totally suppressed by the courts and the judiciary because they are engaged in operations geared to denying access to justice. The Courts and the judiciary continue to typify and represent the same sets of unconstitutional and unjust bias against significant parts and sections of the population which the Neo Cons brag about and are increasingly brazenly reasserting across the board but which the likes of Liam Byrne “aspire to” being able to exhibit! These are components of a Dark Age society! And IDS is an emissary, an envy from the darkest corner of the Dark Ageists Society that they are preparing for the whole of Britain! I shall go into chapter and verse if any of your readers or you were to query my statements above,e especially my statements about the conduct of the courts and the judiciary in this context. Then you should have tested the latest IDS fakery by subjecting his statements to the tests that are based on the existing UK Constitutional law "framework". That is all the statutes that actually still acknowledge what amounts to a set of human rights. You do not either refer to the duty on the Government and the various relevant UK State agencies to observe due process, fair hearing nor do you expressly mention the obligations that the DWP has been blatantly violating. Had you been seriously concerned to inform your readers of the whole picture about the so-called benefits, you would have also devoted a good paragraph or two to describing the corrupting role routinely being played against the idea of social security by the local Councils across England and Wales. The way that IDS has been promoted in the Fleet Street media - clearly in the toxic titles the Daily Express, the Star, SUN and the Daily Mail, except sometimes in the Daily Mirror and the “Communist Party” organ the Morning Star - shows that he has no duties to tell the truth, let alone to show that each of his assertions backing unconstitutionality and denial of Constitutional rights and imposition of destitution must be justifiable under the existing statutes that have been enacted by the UK Parliament. When there is a huge emptiness dominating on the official Opposition in Parliament, when the main Agenda is being promoted by Neo Cons, perhaps the inevitable consequence is to create a nightmare environment for the people targeted by these illegal, immoral and uneconomic and unjust attacks. There must be a way out of this nightmare that the likes of Stephanie Bottrill could not withstand. And that way must include the media beginning to recognise that there must be legality, Constitutionality, morality in what the holders of the posts in the name of Government are saying, doing and are being allowed to get away with. In the context of all the factors actually mentioned and those implied above, the IDS charge against the BBC is not only untrue but is a wanton lie. IDS must withdraw this lie and apologise to the victims of his lies and to the UK public for perpetrating it in the first place. 1250 Hrs GMT London Monday 15 July 2013
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 12:28:40 +0000

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