MUHAMMAD S.A.W IN OTHER SCRIPTURES BUDDHISM: The fourth largest religion, predominately in Bhutan, Cambodia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, China, Korea, and Japan. Having a population of about 400 million. Buddha prophesised the advent of a Maitreya: Almost all Buddhist books contain this prophecy. It is in Chakkavatti Sinhnad Suttanta D. III, 76: There will arise in the world a Buddha named Maitreya (the benevolent one) a holy one, a supreme one, an enlightened one, endowed with wisdom in conduct, auspicious, knowing the universe: What he has realized by his own supernatural knowledge he will publish to this universe. He will preach his religion, glorious in its origin, glorious at its climax, glorious at the goal, in the spirit and the letter. He will proclaim a religious life, wholly perfect and thoroughly pure; even as I now preach my religion and a like life do proclaim. He will keep up the society of monks numbering many thousands, even as now I keep up a society of monks numbering many hundreds The prophecy clearly states: * He is the maitreya. The Sanskrit word ‘Maitreya’ or its equivalent in Pali ‘Metteyya’ means loving, compassionate, merciful and benevolent. It also means kindness and friendliness, sympathy, etc. One Arabic word which is equivalent to all these words is ‘Rahmat’. In Surah Al-Anbiya: We sent thee not, but as a mercy for all creatures. [Qur’an 21:107] * The Word Muhammad is also spelt as ‘Mahamet’ or ‘Mahomet’ and in various other ways in different languages. The word ‘Maho’or ‘Maha’ in Pali and Sanskrit mean Great and Illustrious and ‘Metta’ means mercy. Therefore ‘Mahomet’ means ‘Great Mercy’ * His monks (companions) number thousands- Muhammad PBUH has thousands of companions *Muhammad PBUH visited by Archangel Gabriel (supernatural), orderd his companions to record verses revealed.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 03:03:32 +0000

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