{MUHAMMED}, EVERYBODYS CHOICE ~the French historian, Lamartine - TopicsExpress


{MUHAMMED}, EVERYBODYS CHOICE ~the French historian, Lamartine prove that MUHAMMED (pbuh), the Prophet of Islam, was the greatest man that ever lived. ~the historian, mathematician and astronomer Michael H. Hart, Choose MUHAMMED (pbuh) to be the No.1 out of one hundred 100 men who had the greatest influence on mankind. ___In his book, he gives us the HUNDRED most influential men, including ASOKA, ARISTOTLE, BUDDHA, CONFUCIUS, HITLER, PLATO, and ZOROASTER. He does not give us a mere chart of the topmost one hundred from the point of view of their influence on people, but he evaluates the DEGREE OF THEIR INFLUENCE and RATES them in order of their Excellence from No.1, through No.100. ____ The most amazing thing about his selection is that, he has put OUR Nabee-e-Kareem, the Holy Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) as No.1 [Top 100], the first of his 100! and he placed his own Lord and Savior JESUS (pbuh) No.3, and MOSES (pbuh) No.40! Hart Placing the Prophet of Islam as No.1, has naturally pleased the Muslims. But his choice has shocked the Non-Muslims, more specially the Jews and the Christians, who consider this as an affront. What? This is for them very difficult to stomach, but what says Hart? LET US HEAR HIS ARGUMENTS___ →→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→→ He said: Since There Are Roughly Twice As Many Christians In The World, It May Initially Seem Strange That MUHAMMED Has Been Ranked Higher Than JESUS. There Are Two Principal Reason For That Decision. -FIRST, Muhammed played a far more important Role in the Development of ISLAM than Jesus did in the Development of CHRISTIANITY. Although Jesus was responsible for the main ETHICAL and MORAL precepts of Christianity (insofar as these differed from Judaism), ST. PAUL was the #main developer of Christian theology, its principal proselytizer, and the author of a large portion of the new Testament. Muhammed, however #was responsible for both the theology of ISLAM and its main ETHICAL and MORAL PRINCIPLES. IN ADDITION HE PLAYED THE KEY ROLE IN Proselytizing the new faith, and in Establishing the religious Practices of ISLAM. ←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←←← Allah mentioned in His Holy Book; MOST CERTAINLY, YOU (Muhammed) HAVE IN THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH AN EXCELLENT PATTERN (OF BEHAVIOUR). [Holy Quran 33:21]
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 13:03:50 +0000

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