MULL-ING THINGS OVER Have you ever thought about what life was - TopicsExpress


MULL-ING THINGS OVER Have you ever thought about what life was like in 1776? The reality of war was definitely on the minds of most Americans. A stand had been made. The Declaration of Independence had been signed. There was a dream that most people had that this new country could be a place where it would be recognized that “all men are created equal.” It was sure that England would fight; they did not want to lose the wealth of this new land nor the potential in its future. It was equally true that the colonial leadership would fight because the desire for independence was simply too strong. The deep desire was to create a republic where there was no royalty but democracy; no privileged class but equality; “one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Could it happen? We know the answer to that question: not only did it happen, it continues to happen today! Two hundred and thirtyeight years later, the United States of America continues to be a reality. Our history has not been without its own challenges. We had a Civil War less than one hundred years after independence. We broke away from slavery and it took one hundred years to deal with it. We got involved in World Wars and foreign conflicts – some of which pulled us together and others have torn us apart. We experienced the reality of the Great Depression to become one of the most prosperous countries in the world. It has been quite a ride – and, we have survived! Being a survivor seems to be one of the hallmarks of our country. We are not perfect, we have made mistakes, and we struggle like everyone else. There is, however, an underlying strength in us that when we get knocked down, we need to get up again. We find that when we are challenged, we rise to that challenge. We have discovered that relying on one another and using the spirit of rugged individualism, we are strong and successful. Not only do we survive but we prosper. If you review history, you will find that at each success, America has turned to God. The Prayers of Thanksgiving, the Services of Divine Gratitude, the moments of prayer have all served to connote a strong underlying faith that bolsters the spirit of our country and gives strength to the individualism of each person. The very fact that people flocked to their churches on 9/11 reminds us that in time of need we turn to God. We recognize that we can “rise above the circumstance;” but, we do so with God’s help and guidance. There is a confidence that what we do and where we go needs divine guidance – we seek it at the beginning and offer gratitude at the end. And so, on this Fourth of July weekend, as we all gather in our churches, we recognize our own personal faith and our communal faith expressed through our faith community. In our gathering, we give witness to the powerful nature of our country and the equally powerful nature of our faith. It is no secret that the writers of the Declaration of Independence were people of faith acknowledging their dependence of God. As you read the Constitution of the United States, you will note the inclusion of the human faith on which this country is to be built. As we are reminded of the calls for help and the expressions of gratitude in our nation’s history, we know that we have a reliance on God. With the parades, picnics, fairs, and good times that the Fourth of July brings, we need to also renew our faith in a God who loves us and walks with us – and with our nation. We need not be afraid to express our faith – such expression is assured by the Constitution. We need to give witness to our reliance on God and the fact that our country has become great because of God. Enjoy the holiday. God bless America!
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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