MULTI DIMENSIONAL HEALING – Deep Release Workshop Saturday, - TopicsExpress


MULTI DIMENSIONAL HEALING – Deep Release Workshop Saturday, August 3, 1-5:30pm $80 Pre-registered $90 At the Door We are awakening into an age of transformation and forming a new unity consciousness. What many are waking up to is that we’ve been living an illusion held in place by energetic aspects, which can no longer be sustained and are currently breaking down. This dismantling is enabling individuals to see beyond the dream that the majority have accepted as reality. We have been hypnotized into believing that we are limited to one plane of existence. In essence, we are multi dimensional beings living in a dreamworld transitioning into higher dimensions of reality. Multi Dimensional Healing is a powerful tool of the new consciousness that can help you break down the conditioning, self-limiting beliefs which create our issues that lead to pain, suffering and disease. Because we are multi dimensional, our issues are held on interdimensional levels and thus can be very difficult to release with traditional modalities. Using VortexHealing® and Divine Earth Energy, some of the most powerful and successful tools available today, the workshop systematically and holistically helps you identify and release the main issue or issues that’s impacting your evolution and ability to express present moment awareness. Each participant will learn what issue is most impacting them, receive targeted release on that issue and move closer into the present moment. If we can see ourselves for just one moment as being the center of the Universe; as having the ability to influence the quality of our thoughts the very fabric of existence… If we can see ourselves as this central point of influence, affecting all of existence, for even one second, then we can do so for the next and the next. Then suddenly without even realizing, at some point we’ll discover that we have transformed ourselves into a being of great light through the power of our thoughts; a being that radiates inner beauty and a love so great that through grace it melts the illusion around us. On Dec 21 of 2012 every human on the planet received 3 new dot chromosome genes creating a new level of energetic functioning. Most do not know it exists. We’ll learn what each one does and amplify its ability to further evolve and expand humanity. This workshop is intuitively guided to meet the highest interest of the group and may be customized to meet the group needs. It will generally include all or some of the following: • Activating the crystalline grid with Divine Truth and Information • Grounding and anchoring with Earth • Multi dimensional structures into systems and organs to maximize and optimize health during change • Create new grounding frequencies and structures calibrated to the shift • Relaxing, centering and harmonizing any areas of stress, tension or contraction • Energizing & revitalizing areas that are weakened, depleted or dimmed by the stress of shift • Clearing the targeted chakras affected by change • Clearing & reopening blocked meridians & nadi pathways • Release Karma Knots, Karmic Structures and Karmic Webbing. • Clear blueprints of the issue most impacting us • Release any issue most impacting us -- a mask, shadow or fear aspect that we may have disassociated from or repressed • Therapeutic release using a 10th Dimensional being • Release a present-life, karmic, and emotional, mental & spiritual body mind fixations: simultaneously release any that pertain to the issue. • Transform the Cellular Consciousness of the Brain - ‘transforming the brain/neurological aspect’ of the issue • Strengthen and amplify the new dot chromosomes • Clearing, balancing and catching up the energetic system • Balancing and optimizing the system as a whole • Re-patterning, realigning, activating and synchronizing our physical and energetic systems to support new patterns • BodyMind Wakeup - integrates and re-patterns through the physiology & consciousnesses. • Opening our heart center to Divinity • Reawakening our connection to our Divine Nature • Harmonizing and nurturing wherever we most need it • Deeply integrate our systems to the shifting energy
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 19:58:05 +0000

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