MUMBAI PRESS CLUB CONDEMNS ATTACK ON SATIRICAL MAGAZINE The Mumbai Press Club condemns the dastardly terror attack on the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, in Paris, in which till now 11 persons, majority of them journalists were killed. It is a clear attack on the freedom of expression – and the Mumbai Press Club stands by the bereaved family members. It is a sad day for journalists across the globe. The media practitioners across the globe – whether they are in conflict zones or otherwise, had been under attack from all quarters. We have seen what has happened in Iraq last year and in Afghanistan and Pakistan and also other parts of the globe. We in India too are seeing attack on media professionals. Today’s incident is a bit different as it is a direct attack on the office of a magazine, in which journalists have been killed. The way the attack had been executed – clearly shows a heinous plan, which had been done with near precision. It is to be mentioned here that when the role of David Coleman Headley in the 26/11 attack was being examined by the FBI, it had come to light that involved planning for one or more attacks at facilities and employees of Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, a Danish newspaper. Mumbai Press Club would be openly condemning such attacks – and also make efforts to ensure that we take up issues of safety of media houses and professionals, in international fora. Secretary Mumbai Press Club January 7, 2015
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:02:19 +0000

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