MUNANGAGWA VS DR MUJURU!!!....... ITS A NO CONTEST!!! MUNANGAGWA LOSES HANDS DOWN!....... THEY ARE BETTER TOGETHER THAN APART!!! A UNITED AS EVER TEAM ZANU PF!!!! Anything else is an end game for Munangagwa! as Dr Mujuru has absolutely nothing to lose as she has not gone out on a limb vilifying fellow cadres. And has already ascended to dizzy political heights! Whatever happens including if our old and frail president is rail roaded by the #BABYDUMPINGFACTION and poor cde giresi to abandon principle and loyalty for the existential fight of his wife and clansman!! Dr Mujuru will stand out with dignity and real national love and sympathy as the victimised widow of an icon!!! ON THE OTHER HAND MUNANGAGWA CAN NEVER WIN ZANU PF THE PRESIDENCY OR ANY NATIONWIDE ELECTION, GIVEN HE WAS RUN OUT OF KWEKWE BY MDCTSVANGIRAI CHEBUNDO!! FAILING DISMALLY IN HIS OWN PROVINCE WHERE MDCT STILL ENJOYS THE BIGGEST MPs REPRESENTATION OUTSIDE A MAJOR URBAN CENTRE!!, HENCE ALL THESE MACHINATIONS MEANT TO POSITION HIM IN THE LIKELY EVENT MUGABE DIES OR SUFFERS ILL HEALTH GIVEN HIS VERY ADVANCED AGE!!! SO ALL THIS VULTURES LIKE BEHAVIOUR OF THE #BABYDUMPINGFACTION IS QUITE UNDERSTANDABLE!! AS BEYOND THIS CHARADE THEY HAVE NOTHING! ITS CLEAR TO ALL!THEY!, MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE FEAR AND ARE AFFECTED THE PROSPECT OF MUGABE LEAVING THE SCENE!!! Nothing more than his wife desperate entry into politics confirms this much more! SHE KNOWS THE END IS NIGH AND BEING FIRST LADY AND BEING RELEVANT AS A ORESIDENTIAL APPENDAGE ENDS AS WELL. Without the patronage she would be reduced to an ordinary person!! The #babydumpingfaction found themselves a vulnerable well positioned loud mouth and boy did they pounce!!! ITS MUTUAL SURVIVAL FOR THE BOTH!! They deserve each other the rest are unprincipled desperado witting and unwitting puppets!! I HAVE ASKED MANY IF THEM WHY SUDDEN HATRED FOR OUR UNDEFEATED LEGENDARY VP!!! They go blank or come up with flimpsy excuses they themselves dont even believe!! In a national election a Mujuru led Zanu PF will romp to victory!!! regardless of #babydumpingfaction dirty politics of personal interest and existential survival!! A Munangagwa led Zanu PF will see a dramatic shrinkage of support and voter apathy!! so this is really #BETTERTOGETHER!! This is my friendly alert to my shrieking zvipfukuto cadres of the #BABYDUMPINGFACTION NOTORIETY AND THEIR VERY DIRTY POLITICS!! You are setting a dangerous precedent for our country at these delicate economics times!! PEOPLE ARE READY TO REVOLT AND ARE WAITING FOR A TRIGGER AND RALLYING POINT!! YOUR DIRYY POLITICS IS FERTILE GROUND FOR BOTH!!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:05:43 +0000

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