MUNCHKIN REPORT: Week before last, I spent five days on unplugged - TopicsExpress


MUNCHKIN REPORT: Week before last, I spent five days on unplugged retreat in Sequoia. I didnt realize it was the week that cows licensed to graze on federal land were being rounded up (it was the week before the start of hunting season, so this made a lot of sense). My campsite was within four miles of where the cows were herded to be loaded onto trucks, so every day we had strays, pairs and small herds meandering - and sometimes galloping - by the campsite. In the beginning, I was able to restrain Munchkin, who would rush to the edge of the campsite, freeze in place and do some sub-vocal growling. As the days passed, she anticipated the cows and I had to keep closer watch on her. But our last night, two cows tried to get into our campsite by crossing a small arroyo (in spring it was the creek). Munchkin again took her rigid watch position and the cows froze in place. I was within two feet of grabbing my dogs collar when one of the cows decided not to proceed and swung her head around. At the movement, Munchie barked. Both cows spooked, turned and started running away... with my little pup in hot pursuit. Now, these cows weigh about 1,200 pounds each to my dogs 12, and there she was, at dusk, running off into the woods in pursuit of two animals 100 times larger than she is. I ran across the arroyo, but by the time I got there, could not see my dog anywhere and she did not respond to my calls. However, every so often, I would hear in the distance, BARK BARK BARK! And a little while later, Bark Bark Bark. And a little while later bark bark bark... and then -- nothing. Growing dark, no flashlight, in sandals so I couldnt run after her, far from the road so my car wouldnt be of any help -- and my little girl alone out there, in the dark, in the woods, chasing two behemoths. Would they turn on her? Would she get kicked or stepped on? Would she run into the bull who would go after her? Would she get lost trying to get back? Would some other animal jump her? Talk about freaked out! So I did the only thing I could do: turned myself into an audio lighthouse. Id call her name, then 20 seconds later clap, then 20 seconds later whistle, and continue the cycle. It must have been 10 of the longest minutes of my life. And then, barely visible in the fading dusk, my little dog cleared a rise and came at a full run towards me. She must have run more than a mile in total, flat out. As she got close to me, I saw this wild-eyed look of, MOM, THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING EVER!!!! ITS BETTER THAN CRACK AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT CRACK IS!!!!! Needless to say, I quietly clipped the leash on her (you never scold a dog for coming back to you, no matter how much you want to let them know how mad you were that they ran away)... and kept the leash on her for the rest of the trip. Still, that night, when my panic faded, I cracked up laughing, because to be honest, if I were her, I would have done the exact same thing. When one thinks about it, given the way I go after the behemoths of the nuclear industry, it was a true case of Like mother, like daughter. And -- since weve returned, at dog park, shes been absolutely fearless. Heres a video clip I think youll enjoy.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 20:40:31 +0000

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