MUNEDANE MORNING , YEP . Well , IM A GRANDPAW AGAIN ! AUTUMN MADE HER ENRANCE INTO THIS OLE WORLD THIS MORNING ! Another bit of good news , I got to go to Sunday School yesterday . OH , Autumn weighed 9lbs. 3oz. & she is pretty as can be . I weighed 21lbs. 15oz. when I was born . Momma carried me in her womb for three years . I was a mommas boy . lol bahaaa !!! Not really , yall know I was joking , right ? I weighed 7lbs. plus , was born in the house on South Ave. next to the house by the Black Church next to the city cemetery . Back then you could buy peanut butter or jelly in glasses with pictures of a monkey on it , daddy said I looked just like that monkey & called me monkey so much I thought that was my name . Momma got mad & made him quit calling me that . They were so proud of me , I was sooo pretty , they decided God meant for them to have children , me being pretty , smart & sweet , so they had Carol , one look at her they decided maybe not , so they quit having babies & then by accident Monique was born ten years after me . One look at her & daddy had the procedure , didnt want to take a chance on having anymore babies . I was perfect , but the more they had the uglier they got ! lol bahaaa !!! This is a true story , dont believe me , ask Bubba . lol I was a year old when Bubba was born , I couldnt say Carol , tried saying baby , it sounded like Bubba , so now you know the rest of the story about how Bubba got her name & why momma & daddy always liked me the best ! Remember GOD loves you & so do I . Later .
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 10:43:03 +0000

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