MUSLIM LEADERS WAKE UP! Ask yourselves: Why until now the United - TopicsExpress


MUSLIM LEADERS WAKE UP! Ask yourselves: Why until now the United Nations have not done anything to give justice to the innocent and unarmed Palestinians? Why just see, read or listen to the media how the evil Zionist Israelis did so much injustices and inhumane brutalities to the Palestinians for so many years? Is it under the UN International Law to allow any belligerent state like the Israelis to have the power of getting the lands that do not belong to them; to drive away people from their own houses; to burn their houses and properties including schools, places of worships, hospitals, etc.; to drop bombs and kill even innocent civilians, children and even babies? Why the silence? If you, your own people and country are the ones being terrorized, murdered, and mercilessly attacked by the evil Zionist Israelis and no single country is helping you what would you do? Have you ever pondered why until now the United Nations have not solved the Palestinian issue for so long a time? It is because you cannot rely on man-made law. You have the God’s Law based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah, which is the Shari’ah. Why you have to be with the Unjust Nations? Why not organized One Ummah of Muslims who fear no one but the Creator alone? Why not make His Law judge over you? Is there any law better than Allah’s Law? Is there any book and guidance better than the Qur’an and the Sunnah? If you will not organize yourselves as one ummah to make Allah’s Law prevail then watch what will be your answers to Allah on the Day of Judgment. Do you think you are not accountable to what Muslims in Palestine and other countries who are being tortured and killed by non-Muslims? The Prophet صلي الله عليه وسلم sacrificed a lot just to make this Religion and way of life, Islam complete and perfect. His companions struggled to propagate it. Now, our only duty is to implement this excellent religion. If you have read the Qur’an and the Sunnah, if you enjoy practicing Islam then share it to the whole humanity. Start among all Muslim countries to organize one Ummah Nations. Think and reflect, if many non-Muslims have organized themselves outside the United Nations like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the European Nations, Commonwealth of Independent States, African Union, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, etc. why Muslim countries cannot organized as one body irrespective of their races or regional differences that will please no one but Allah? Islam is the only religion that clearly teaches all virtuous teaching like justice, peace and success. Let there be peace and success on earth and in the eternal world by implementing Allah’s Law in the light of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. To all non-Muslims please do not associate Islam with your observations of people who are not actually Muslims (like the Shi’ahs and other groups) because they have deviated from the teachings of Islam. They do not practice Islam according to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Read Islam according to authentic sources and you will know that Islam is the Religion and Way of Life for Peace and Success. Visit,
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 10:18:50 +0000

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