MUSLIM STUDENTYS EXCHANGE PROGRAM REPORT,RESSOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS MADE. UNIVERSITY MUSLIM STUDENTS’ EXCHANGE FORUM. ACTIVITY REPORT OF THE STUDENTS’ EXCHANGE MEETING HELD AT JAMIA MASJID CONFERENCE HALL, NAIROBI-KENYA. 18th – 21st JANUARY, 2013. No. Name Institution Contacts E-mail 1 Hassan .Aboud Karama UON 0726041302 hassankarama@yahoo 2 Abdalla Toyya UON 0721985313 toyyaabdalla@yahoo 3 Nasra Maalim UON 0721985313 4 Mariam Dawood UON 0711970924 dawoodmaryam@ymail 5 Bashir Ali Hassan K.U 0728541819 bashirali66@gamail 6 Zyaad Aboud said K.U 0729070172 z-yard@yahoo 7 Omar Ahmed K.U 0728/0737-999783 omarahmedsalim@gmail 8 Zeinab Mohamed A K.U 0725491253 zeinabey@yahoo 9 Yahya Yussuf K.U 0727287562 yyussuf40@yahoo 10 Maryam Mohammed K.U 0700437676 mishikely@hotmail 11 Saida Mohammed Omar K.U 0700622734 sazeeda.omar@gmail 12 Said Ogle UON 0722532409 ogle99@yahoo 13 Abdikadir Musa UON 0712088088 14 Katotto Mohammed .K. Ummah foundation +256774383984 kulubyam8@gmail 15 Mahad Twaha Mubs +256701087391 mahdtwaha@gmail 16 Musa Rukidi Makerere Uni +256794537226 mosesrukidi@gamail 17 Naziru Rashid Makerere Uni +256782038741 nazrash2013@gmail 18 Matovu Kasim Mubs +256782874149 qasimmatovu@yahoo 19 Kasujja Musa Kyambogo Uni +256777055375 ugtextmember@gmail 20 Zziwa Abdul Karim Ssenyonga Makerere Uni +254702985110 karimzziwa@gmail 21 Munir Diwan Muslim Care 0701573225 22 Mohammed Saied Muslim Care 07806099329 23 Fauz A. Qureish Ummah Foundation +254722513777 [email protected] 24 Tariq .G. Bun Muslim Care 00971555901623 25 Musa Wekesa Ummah Foundation +254711771001 [email protected] 26 Sheikh Mullah Weiswa Mubs/ Imam Program Brief: This meeting was for the purpose of exchanging ideas about enhancing our capacity as Muslims to deal with issues of career development and progression. The Ugandan delegates arrived in Kenya at around 10pmon Friday 18th Jan, 2013. Official meetings started on Saturday 19th and were held daily from 8am to 6pm. Participants were passed through Paper presentations, Group discussions and refresher outings to the National park and streets of Nairobi which truly motivated the participants. Exchange Forum Objectives: a) bring together university students from Kenya and Uganda to discuss various academic issues; b) role of Islam in academic institutions in Kenya & Uganda; c) Career Development and progression for the Muslim graduand d) etc Expected Outcomes of the exchange Forum 1. Networking between Kenya and Ugandan Participants 2. Improve the quality of education of higher education among Muslims – Introduce them to various learning and leadership experiences 3. Verify the existing student activities and Programs and how they can benefit from each other. 4. Inculcate the idea of a shared operational protocol that will lead to the birth of a strong Muslim unity within the East African region. 5. Exert significant effects on cultural, economic, dynamic citizenship and best Islamic Values. Topics to be discussed: 1- Islam in East Africa – History and Current status.(Kenyatta University) 2- Unity of Muslims in the country/ region (Makerere University) 3- Youth and leadership (University of Nairobi) 4- Roles of Muslim women in East Africa (UON & KU sisters presentation) 5- Summary and way forward plus targets- Sheikh Mulla Weisa 6- Spur of the Program- Brother Abdul Hamid Swaleh/ Sheikh Mulla Weiswa Participation University of Nairobi- 6 members (2 sisters)- Hassan Karama- student leader Kenyatta University – 6 members –2 sisters – Bashir Ali - student leader. Makerere University- 6 delegates- Sheikh Mullah Weiswa, Brother Mohammed Katotto and Bro Matovu Kasim Topics Discussed This will give a capture of a summary breakdown and Meeting paper presentations will be attached. 1. ROLE OF EDUCATION FOR MUSLIMS NATIONALLY AND REGIONALLY This was presented by Br AbdulHamid Saleh from Kenya. Education was defined as a continuous process of learning in a life time. It was further stressed that Education is key in our life time but evidently performance in the Muslim community has declined with most of our schools producing the worst of results in our countries and above all our regions. The following were some of the relevancies cited; a) It is a good opportunity to give moral direction. b) Centre for fast acquisition of KNOWLEDGE. c) It elaborates purpose of life. d) It can help train a vibrant Muslim with relevant skills in all aspects of life. e) Help serve and protect Islam through intellectual approaches. Way forward i. Need to address School performance Vs Expenditures. ii. Improve on planning in our institutions. iii. Internship training initiative. iv. Establish stronger forum to discuss education issues. 2. ISLAM IN EAST AFRICA –HISTORY AND CURRENT STATUS This was presented by Kenyatta University. It gave an insight on the geographical boundary of the region and introduction of Islam way back by the Arab traders. Current status can be justified the problems it faces; Still a minority. Low levels of education. Disunity in the community. Weak commitments to the deen. Lack of Islamic economic systems. Way forward Hard work. Emphasizing brotherhood. Educate the young and improve our education systems. Reviving of the faith. Research and ascertain the statistics. 3. UNITY OF MUSLIMS IN THE REGION This was presented by the Ugandan participants. It cited the importance of Unity especially as justified by the collective in fulfilling the Five pillars of Islam. 1) Current Needs a) We need to draft structures defining the roles and qualities at each level b) Organize regular meetings to plan and evaluate MSA activities c) Recruit back senior members into our CAUSE. d) Organize BETTER programmes. e) Make good students leaders. 2) Current Gaps I. National level There is still lack of the formal structures. Strategy; Establish national MSAs then inter link to the regional. II. Regional level Establish UNITY. Strategy; a) Initiate a UNION b) Formulate resource mobilization strategies. 4. YOUTH AND LEADERSHIP This was presented by University of Nairobi. The two concepts were defined as critical state and critical responsibility respectively. The youth with all attributes that the community can gain from them is exposed to challenges; Challenges; o Organizational challenges o Government and political influences. o Inferiority complex o Lack of training. Way forward Pious leadership Formation of proper structures and policies Identify core values and method of work. 5. ROLE OF MUSLIM WOMEN IN EAST AFRICA This was presented by the UoN and KU Sisters. It gave on the nature of Women from being daughters to wives and in long run mothers. This wing comes with many challenges; o Low education. Establish girl training centres. o Western influence Stick on Islamic principals. o Violence Establish Voice centres. NB; WE BECOME ADAPTED TO THE LACK OF USE OF OUR BASIC RESOURCES, THEY RESPOND BY BECOMING UNFAMILIAR TO US. 6. GROUP WORK Members were divided into three (03) groups to brain storm on Unity of East African Muslim, Resource mobilization, and Education. Members discussed their group work, and the following were the RECOMMENDATIONS; • Agreed to revive and strengthen our country associations. • Initiate the East Africa Muslim Students’ Association. • Mobilize members to be part of the EAMSA and contribute to the association. • Initiate income generating projects. • Initiate Association of Muslim Schools in East Africa (AMSEA). • Initiate programmes like; o employing qualified and pay well o Organizing community awareness programmes. o Formalizing the Madrasa curriculum. o Motivational programmes in schools and teachers. o Career guidance programmes. WAY FORWARD: BRO ZOOL o Suggested we take on a lead committee to forge a way forward within the six (06) months. SHK WAISWA MOHAMAD o Appreciated the efforts of Mr. Zool and UMMAH Foundation. o Call the participants to take allegiance to this cause. o Need to solicit for the papers in advance prior to the meeting so as to evaluate whether the papers meet the expectations of the meeting. o GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: Role of women in islam; Presenter was defensive. Cited the presentation didn’t address the impact of the roles islamically. Youth and Leadership Leadership of the youth is the strength that will redress the problems of the Muslim community problems. Very anxious as the youth but we should respect specialization. Build capacity as youth not forgetting the christians are planning against us. Renew our intentions. ABOVE ALL, Let us scope to our expectations. APPRECIATION: We pass our sincere appreciation to the Organizers, funders and all participants of this programme.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 22:21:30 +0000

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