MUSLIMS CONTINUALLY ESCAPE THE LEFTS WAR ON WOMEN LABEL Perhaps the most lost-in-the-shuffle bit of information surrounding this terrible, terrible abduction of 300 young girls by muslim extremists in Nigeria is the fact that for three years the Hilary Clinton State Department REFUSED to officially recognize this radical group, the Boko Haram, as a terrorist organization. Such a designation of course would have elevated monitoring and scrutiny of the group by intelligence-gathering agencies, etc. But the Obama/Clinton State Dept. flatly refused to assign the label. And now videos of these terrified young girls --being held, no one knows where-- are beginning to surface. They were captured at a school and its widely known most are Christian. Video released yesterday shows their captures asking them Why have you become a Muslim? One girl answeres, The reason why I became a Muslim is because the path we are on is not the right path. We should enter the right path so that Allah will be happy with us. And THIS is *not* an islamic terror organization? Our world is a much, much, much more dangerous place as a result of the look the other way foreign policy stance this administration has taken as it relates to jihadists. And if you dont think that once were out of Afghanistan the Taliban there will be come as this Boko Haram have in Nigeria - my friend, Im afraid you may have another think comen
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 17:46:08 +0000

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