MUSLIMS ENFORCE SHARIA IN WASHINGTON NATIONAL CATHEDRAL Woman interrupts first USA Muslim Prayer at National Cathedral in protest!! The National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., a Christian church, held its first Muslim call to prayer ever last Friday. Most of the attendees were Muslims, who can be seen sitting in the pews. The purpose of the Muslim service was ostensibly to condemn terrorism and build bridges between the two faiths. But one Christian lady wasn’t buying it. Just before the announcements, an unidentified woman stood up and voiced disagreement that a Christian-based church would support such a service. The woman shouted: “Jesus Christ died on that cross over there! He is the reason why we are to worship only him. Jesus Christ is our lord and savior!” In addition, the woman mentioned how there were many mosques in the U.S. and recommended that Muslims’ worship be done within their own religious buildings. Then, after her brief voicing of opinion, Muslims and Dhimmis escort this Christian woman out of her own church for saying Jesus is her Lord! Ask yourselves why such a religiously revered site for Christians is being used to bring the two faiths together? Instead of sticking it to Christians by bringing in a religion that goes contrary to their beliefs right into their own house of worship. What’s next, Muslim services in Jewish synagogues? God forbid! https://youtube/watch?v=LrDK8UWsRFg#t=17
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:41:32 +0000

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