MUST-KNOW LAPTOP MAINTENANCE TIPS 1) Avoid dust at all costs Dust - TopicsExpress


MUST-KNOW LAPTOP MAINTENANCE TIPS 1) Avoid dust at all costs Dust is a laptop’s nemesis, it’ll work its way inside the chassis and risks clogging fans and overheating your PC’s components. There are a few simple steps you can take to reduce the chances of dust finding its way into your computer though. The easiest is to keep it safely concealed in a case or sleeve when not in use. If dust does work its way inside though, you can blast it free using a small can of compressed air, available from computer stores. 2) Use proper cleaning materials Some laptop owners use household cleaners to give their PC a fresh sheen, but it’s an unwise move and could risk ruining that precious PC. Standard household cleaners can be damaging and dangerous to sensitive screen coverings, and risk marring the plastic shells of portable computers too. Resist the urge to use whatever’s already in the cleaning cupboard, and always use specific screen cleaners. They’re available as sprays or wipes. In a pinch you can use a damp lint-free cloth, but be aware that you’ll find it hard to achieve a streak-free finish, especially on screens coated with plastic rather than glass. 3) Keep your laptop cool Laptops generate a surprising amount of heat, and are engineered to extremely tight thermal tolerances. That means even the shortest period of prolonged heat can harm them. To best take care of your laptop keep it out of direct sunlight and away from heaters or radiators. 4) Beware of protruding connectors Your laptop’s most vulnerable spot is also its most frequently used: the sockets along its side. USB, audio and network connectors will all jut out of its edge, making them prone to knocks and nudges. 5) No smoking please! If you smoke near your laptop, it’ll breathe in the same chemicals you do, and they’re just as bad for its health. Over time the noxious fumes from cigarettes can clog up the innards of your PC. It’s almost as fast to cause damage as dust, so for the sake of your computer, and your own health, kick the habit! 6) If you can’t stand the heat... keep the laptop out of the kitchen! Similar to smoke particles from nicotine junkies, those who use their laptop in the kitchen will find its sensitive air vents and fans get clogged much quicker. 7) Protect that power socket Trailing cables can be easily yanked free from your computer, and the laptop’s power cord is a prime candidate for unintentional tugging. 8) Pick a laptop with shock protection Increasingly, laptops come with built-in shock protection. Many Toshiba PCs branded with EasyGuard certification (Link to Toshiba EasyGuard- five ways it safeguards your data) have this feature, and are able to park the hard drive’s moving head as soon as they sense movement. 9) Stay vigilant of viruses The best form of laptop maintenance is preventing any damage or wear taking place in the first place. We’ve covered that with cases, cable management and shock protection, but what about the software? Viruses are rife online, and as soon as your PC hooks up to the internet, it’s at risk. 10) Backup your files regularly This maintenance tip might not solve any problems straight away, but it’s the handiest insurance measure you have against an accident or virus wiping your data.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 09:13:04 +0000

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