MUST READ AND SHARE THESTORIES OF THE FOUR PERSONS WHO WERE MARTYERD IN GOOL RAMBAN MASSACRE : 1. MUHAMMAD TASKEEN The political science lecturer, Manzoor Ahmad Shaan, who was one among the four persons killed in BSF firing inGool Ramaban on past Thursday, would never leave people disappointed indifficult times. A soft-spoken and a caring person, Manzoor, 38, was popular among people for hisgood qualities and was an inspirational force for the students in Thitharka village, where he would teach in a Higher Secondary School. Manzoor’s down-to-earth personality and his deep knowledge in religion had earned him respect of eldersand young ones equally. Survived by his wife, also a lecturer, and two daughters and a son, Manzoor was trying to pacify the angry people who were protesting against the thrashing of a local Imam and alleged desecration of religious books, when bullet fired by the BSF men hit him on head. His death has left the entire family distraught and the village has lost one of its proud sons. 2. ABDUR LATEEF MIAN Less than two days after Mian was killed in BSF firing, his wife gave birth to seconddaughter. While people come to offer their condolence to the family, nobody dares to tell Mian’s other children, including two little sons, that they have been orphaned. A labourer by profession, Mianof Jamnan was not only the lone bread earner for his own family, but a huge support to his aged mother and sister. The entire villageis in shock to understand how the family would surviveand move ahead. 3. FAROOQ AHMAD BEG Living in a muddy house, disabled Praveena Akther and her three children, now orphaned, are uncertain about their future. Praveena’s husband Beg was one among the four whofell to BSF bullets on Thursday. “Who will take care of my children now? Who will pay their fee?” Praveen asks, as mourners turn up at her house. “They have not only killed Farooq but also snatched lone breadwinner of the family,” relatives of the deceased told Greater Kashmir. Farooq’s eldest son Murtazaand daughter Nazia Praveenare studying in 4th class while his youngest son Mustafa is studying in 2nd class. Farooq, who was handicapped, would earn livelihood for this three member family by doing menial jobs. His family members said afterhearing about the sacrilegious act on Wednesday night, Farooq grew restless. Eyewitnesses said Farooq after seeing Manzoor Ahmad Shan in pool of blood startedshouting “They have killed our Manzoor Sir.” “While the firing was going on, he rushed to rescue Manzoor. But was shot dead himself,” they said. 4 JAVAID IQBAL MANHAS Being youngest among his 10siblings, Iqbal was a darling for his family. But the family is not ready to accept that the child, who was brought up with lot of affection, is no more. 16-year old Iqbal had dreamtof making big in life and was pursuing studies at Government Higher Secondary School Gool. From his early childhood days Iqbal was very keen in social work and would even offer helping hand to strangers. On the fateful day, Iqbal trekked 20 kilometers to jointhe protestors at Darham, where he fell to the BSF bullets.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 05:04:00 +0000

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