MUST READ AND WATCH!! SUMMARY - PROPHET EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ’S UPDATE MESSAGE- OCTOBER 2, 2013 (From Please, if you understand Spanish, then do not just READ THIS, BUT ALSO LISTEN TO THE VIDEO. It is 40 minutes long. It is very, very important and absolutely worth your time! Dear beloved brethren in Christ Jesus, may God-- whom my soul praises, and by whom my soul lives, as well as our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ--bless and greatly pour His grace upon you!!! Brothers, by the grace of the Holy Spirit, in this writing we will try to summarize the message that the Prophet of God, Efrain Rodriguez has given us. We do not want to add or omit anything in the message, and may God forgive us any mistakes. My soul praises you Father! HERE IS THE SUMMARY: Prophet Efraim tells us that the sign for this judgement to be fulfilled-which was Evangelist Yiye Avilas passing (the LORD taking him home and a memorial to him that God would allow), has already occured and therefore, this judgement can happen ANY DAY -that means it can be today, tomorrow, the day after that, etc. (Only God knows the exact day). He reports that all the preparations are finished, both in the rest of the world, as in Puerto Rico, where there are now soldiers from many countries who specialize in epidemics, disasters, nuclear issues, etc. MARTIAL LAW is ready to be implemented as soon as what is going to happen, happens, -Prophet Efrain’s words. The event (the judgment) is FIRM, and is the preamble to the Largest Soul Harvest ever!- the RAPTURE! Although the epicenter of the judgment is Puerto Rico, THE EFFECT IS WORLDWIDE. He said this several times. We are told that the atomic shock wave will travel worldwide and everyone will be affected, directly or indirectly. Prophet Efrain says that God will protect and care for us! We can have all the food and water we want, but what really matters is to have God and Jesus (intently listening to the capable Holy Spirit), because in Him we are saved. NO ONE IS TO RUN. THERE IS NO SAFE PLACE HERE ON EARTH. There is ONLY SALVATION, PROTECTION AND SAFETY IN THE ARMS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST. God will provide everything we need! Very important: When this event occurs, we must let the world know that it was God who did it! Through this, God will show the world that HE INDEED EXISTS AND IS THE SUPREME RULER OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!!!! The world will know. The Earth will tremble at the impact zone, but our hearts will tremble also!!! (we believe we may feel it before the event, although perhaps we may feel it just as the impact happens. Everything is possible with a wonderful Father! My soul praises You LORD!!!) Currently, the fault line to be hit by the meteorite is showing abnormal behavior, and the U.S. wants to seal it with a nuclear bomb! So prophet Efrain tells us that the U.S. is doing something without telling the people. He says the U.S. is preparing for something within two months. But the time in which this judgement of God happens will not be when the U.S. says, but WHEN GOD says (My soul praises You LORD). Therefore, the judgment could be this week, even today! The recent closings of government agencies in the U.S. seem strange; including the fact that they are not allowing officials to take holidays from September 25 to November 5th; and that they have closed all the monuments. They want to avoid the judgment of God. IMPORTANT: Prophet Ephraim spoke about ANOTHER EVENT! Let me explain: He said he will soon give a message that he cannot disclose now. There is a further word from Jehovah that he cannot reveal yet. He only tells us that God will do something in every place (GLORY TO GOD, PRAISE GOD!!) He said that it is not yet time to reveal this word- he can only reveal it AFTER a very important event that will be in shown in the media occurs FIRST. That event, he says, will cause ALL CHRISTIANS to shudder (PRAISE GOD!!) Brother Joshua (who God used to do this broadcast in order to send out the message to many listeners, worldwide) asked about this, and Efrain replied that more PROPHETIC SECRETS ARE COMING SOON! Brother Joshua asked HOW SOON? Prophet Efrain replied As soon as the news breaks; news that will be released and that have nothing to do directly with prophet Efrain This news will open the door to the DISCLOSURE OF OTHER INFORMATION (the prophetic secret). The Holy Spirit has confirmed that days of darkness are coming, words of Efrain. Regarding this, Efrain says that many who do not die in the FIRST PHASE (the wave), will die of Pestilence in the SECOND PHASE. (No Pestilence shall come near those who truly serve The Lord and are bound to Him. RUN to the arms of Jesus!) Brethren, Efrain gives very much emphasis on PRAYER. Prayer is very powerful, beloved. He tells us that after this event, they will try to make life difficult for the Church, but with strong prayer, and confessing The Lords victory over Satan with our mouths, we can overcome this, and multitudes WILL BE RESCUED. The New and True Church WILL GROW GREATLY!!! Understand this, if you still have not done so, that God does this: First, to carry out punishment on the current church, which is in complete Apostasy, starting with Puerto Rico, but encompassing the whole world. Secondly, to Prepare, Cleanse and Purify the Church, because it is not ready to go in The Rapture. Its called MERCY (Thank you Father, my soul praises You) Thirdly, to show the world that God EXISTS! Multitudes will see that the event happened EXACTLY as foretold by The Lord. Many will then come to Christ and bend their knees before a Holy God. Prophet Efrain tells us that God wants people to RETURN TO HIM!! It is Important for us to inquire of the Holy Spirit, because it is neither NASA, nor any other human institution, that decides anything. GOD is the ONE who decides when and where He will carry out what He has decreed (My soul praises Him). Globally, all preparations are ready: MARTIAL LAW is ready to be implemented throughout the world after this happens. The armies of all countries are ready. Food and water reserves are ready and stored. Underground hospitals and shelters have been built in the mountains. The devil, who is very clever, has caused the people to be ignorant of all this. However, he (the devil) seems to have forgotten that we have GOD with us, and that he cannot stand against GOD. Nothing and no one can withstand our Heavenly Father, the Almighty. (Praise to you Father!!). The Lord, in His Infinite Mercy is letting His Church know what the proper authorities are keeping silent, so that we all come to Him-both the backslidden, the lukewarm, as well as the new sheep. Ultimately, brethren, the signs before the fulfillment of the prophecy have been fulfilled, and the judgment may fall any day now. The angels of God are already on Earth, ready to protect and guide the Lords true flock. Pray that you may be protected, PRAISE GOD!!! IMPORTANT: Please do not call Brother Efrain to ask him WHEN this will happen. He does not know-ONLY GOD KNOWS. God ONLY revealed the time (2a.m.Time of Impact) and that it would happen AFTER Yiye Ávilas demise. The exact day is up to God. In the meantime, go about your lives, but binding yourself to The Lord each step of the way. Do not just lie in a bed waiting for Death. Do not do anything rash. If you have to paint your room, go ahead and do it. Use this time given to you for two things: to get closer, to bind yourself TIGHTER to The Lord, AND to warn others and thus, take souls and lives off the Enemy (Satans) hands. Stop fretting. If you are desperate and overly anxious, it is because you are lacking The Peace of The Lord. If this is the case, you need to examine where you have gone wrong in your walk with The Lord and rectify. If you are living a double life as a Christian or are in any way outside the Will of God, now is the time to make things right with Him. Do not wait. You will be protected if you are under The Lords shelter. Efrain has said that there are millions of Gods angels on Earth already, commanded to protect and guide His flock through this ordeal. Have faith and trust The Lord completely. Reflection: This information comes out of the Love from God . To all who do not believe: why do you suppose you received this?! So you will recognize that He sent His humble servant, Prophet Efrain to give you this message: GOD IS CALLING YOU! ! Stop being distracted and open the door for Him, because the day is coming when it will be too late to open it!!! Brethren, share this message WORLDWIDE, the time left is only by grace, PRAISE GOD, PRAY AND WATCH AT ALL TIMES (every moment), because you do not know when the Son of Man will come!! (My soul praises Jesus!!) Brethren, we truly apologize if we missed anything, we have written with urgency because we want this to reach everyone immediately!! The video (in Spanish) is not long, it is very important that you listen to it! Dearly beloved brethren in Christ Jesus, may God greatly bless and pour His grace upon you all. PRAISE THE WONDERFUL NAME OF OUR beloved father!! ALSO PRAISE JESUS WHO DIED FOR YOU AND ME!!! AMEN!!! Link (Spanish): youtube/watch?v=c3hKWczLZQQ
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:19:07 +0000

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