MUST READ All girls are different and personally i like the ones - TopicsExpress


MUST READ All girls are different and personally i like the ones who are sweet and caring! if u want a girl that badly then ask her out or say hi or something, just talk, dont be afraid of rejection! The thing to remember gentlemen is that you must always be yourself, after all, you want a girl to fall in love with you, not someone you pretend to be. Heres the whole story. The deep, cold hard truth whether most girls want to admit it or not. To answer the core of the question*Why do girls refuse good guys and look for bad or stupid guys?*, the answer is that there are severe problems at home. Horrible or questionable family life which has branded them with insecurity. Insecurity is probably the biggest downfall of girls as they keep chasing the bad boys. Girls for the most part want a cute, hottie, gorgeous, muscular guy, because girls are visual creatures. How a girl is brought up in her early teens will determine much about how she picks her men. If she is surrounded by beauty magazines and television shows depicting hot model men, she will expect the guys she allows in her life to be the same. Their world is very visual, without substance. You look at how much time and attention they put into their looks and that right there, tells you what aspect is more important to them. A hot guy constantly has girls coming up to him and for him, it is no real difficult feat trying to get a date. This becomes very dangerous territory because a very nasty attribute develops within the guy: Gods Gift To Women. Which later develops into what we all know as a jerk. But remember, girls still want that hot guy, because nothing would elevate that girls status in her circle of friends better than to have a hot guy by her side. And every girl hopes that she will be able to change him or hopes, he will change and stop being such an abusive jerk. Through her early teens to her late 30s, the girl always searching for that hot guy getting in and out of bad relationships may finally get it. When a girl is past her 30s and into her 40s, she has gone through so many men, that she starts to grow up a bit and realize that looks are not what makes a man. The real things in life, such as personality, character, ambition mean much more than looks. Depending on how hard of a life she has led will determine how quickly her own looks fade away. So where do the good guys fit into to all of this? Do the good guys ever win? The answer is yes, in fact the good guys always come out better in life because they seek the things that matter in life. Remember, the hot girl is always searching for looks. Theres no substance there. The good guys know when they find a great girl because that great girl has looked past his good guy presense to find the things inside him that matter most.. Agree/Disagree
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 18:39:18 +0000

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