MUST READ FOR ANY MORINGA FOLLOWING. In India, where the - TopicsExpress


MUST READ FOR ANY MORINGA FOLLOWING. In India, where the Moringa tree is said to have originated, some eat it three times daily. India’s ancient tradition of ayurveda medicine sites 300 diseases that are treated. The claim is that leaves are used as a remedy for diarrhea, dysentery and colitis. Here is an ongoing list, researchers claim are prevented cured or treated by Moringa *CURES 300 diseases: HIV *TREATS many illnesses and conditions: upset stomach, cancer, gastric ulcers, skin diseases, lowers blood sugar, increases bone density, nervous conditions, diabetes, fatigue, increase lactation, hay fever, impotence, edema, cramps, hemorrhoids, headaches, sore gum, strengthens eyes, brain, gall, digestive, respiratory system, is a blood cleanser and builder. This never die tree gives relief from high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease, obesity, cholesterol, tumors, cancer, lupus, arthritis, auto-immune diseases, glaucoma, blindness, skin diseases, prostate enlargement & prostate cancer, hepatitis, M.E, depression, S.A.D, chronic fatigue and irritable bowel syndrome. Moringa seeds. *ON PlottPalmTrees.Com , pills sold are marketed for: Flatulence • Toothache • Circulatory tonic • Nervous debility •Intermittent fever •Spleen enlargement •Skin infection •Kidney stone •Rheumatism •Diabetes •Arthritis/Gout •Anti-ulcer •Anti-cancer •Anti- cholesterol •UTI •Tumor/blood clotting •Anemia •Children’s vit and vege cap •Constipation/LBM • Diuretic and tonic •Homeostasis •Insomnia •Anemia •Anti-tumor >Anti Cancer •Anti-inflammatory •Detoxification •Normalizes Body sugar •Strengthens immune system •Normalizes blood pressure •Vision improvement •Improves wound healing •Reduces fine lines/wrinkles •Improves digestion •Increases energy •Appetite suppressant •Fatty liver •Milk enhancer •Natural antibiotic •Mild stroke •Dysmenorrheal •High blood •Scurvy • Boosts male potency The Moringa Oleifera tree is the most popular of the moringa trees or plants. Considered cure for over 300 diseases. Medicinal Qualities of Moringa Leaves More at THIS LINK- plottpalmtree.miiduu/ - Juice from the leaves is believed to have a stabilizing effect on blood pressure and is used to treat anxiety. – It is believed to control glucose levels in cases of diabetes. - Mixed with honey and followed by a drink of coconut milk 2 or 3 times a day, leaves are used as a remedy for diarrhea, dysentery and colitis. - Leaf juice, sometimes with carrot juice added, is used as a diuretic. Eating leaves is recommended in cases of gonorrhea because of the diuretic action. - Leaves and buds are rubbed on the temples for headache. - A poultice is made from fresh leaves and applied to reduce glandular swelling. - Leaf juice is used as a skin antiseptic. - Leaves are used to treat fevers, bronchitis, eye and ear infections, scurvy, and catarrh (inflammation of the mucus membrane). - Leaves are considered to be anthelmintic ( able to kill intestinal worms). - Leaves are used as a purgative. - Eating leaves is believed to increase a woman’s milk production and is sometimes prescribed for anemia. WOW!!!! Want to learn about Moringa Trees? Eric Plott knocks it out the ball park! youtube/watch?v=7YyrT_DFRzo Recognizing the nutritional value of Moringa Eric Plott “Green leafy vegetables and fruits supply much needed essential micronutrients like beta- carotene [vitamin A], vitamin C, folic acid, and also calcium and potassium. Moringa leaves in particular are a rich, inexpensive source of micronutrients. - Dr. C. Gopalan, President, Nutrition Foundation of India Among the wide range of Green Leafy Vegetables, Moringa is the richest source of Beta- Carotene [vitamin A], apart from providing other important micronutrients. Small amounts of less than 10 gm of fresh Moringa leaves would meet the days requirement of Beta-Carotene of preschool children. - Dr. Kamala Krishnaswamy, Director, National Institute of Nutrition, India As a source of nutrients and vitamins, Moringa leaves rank among the best of perennial tropical vegetables. It has been estimated that one glassful of fresh Moringa leaves contain the daily requirement of vitamin A for up to ten people, and adding two raw Moringa leaves to childrens daily food intake, or mixing 2-3 teaspoons of dried Moringa leaf powder into other sauces living in high-risk areas. - Church World Service Among the leafy vegetables, one stands out as particularly good, the horseradish [Moringa] tree. The leaves are outstanding as a source of vitamin A and, when raw, vitamin C. They are a good source of B vitamins and among the best plant sources of minerals. The calcium content is very high for a plant. Phosphorous is low, as it should be. The content of iron is very good (it is reportedly prescribed for anemia in the Philippines). They are an excellent source of protein and a very low source of fat and carbohydrates. Thus the leaves are one of the best plant foods that can be found. - Dr. Frank L. Martin, in Survival and Subsistence in the Tropics @plott Eric Plott Plott Palm Trees Eric Plott Patricia Plott Geoff Plott E.G.Plott Plotties Group :) Plott Palm Trees GirlsPlott Palm TreesInternational Moringa Tribes Mission plottpalmtreesPlott Palm Trees Jennifer Bailey Plotts Health Channel - Real Health - Real Results
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 21:18:15 +0000

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