MUST READ: HOW TO STAY SAVE IN CAMPUS In the recent and distant - TopicsExpress


MUST READ: HOW TO STAY SAVE IN CAMPUS In the recent and distant past, we have received news of university students who have passed away because of various reasons. Death can be prevented but cannot be avoided. How can one die when that death could be prevented? Most of those who died before were as a result of committing suicide, dying from diseases or killed by bullets. Others drown in dams, water tanks or swimming pools. For those who committed suicide I can say that their problem was bigger than their life and less was the amount of counseling that was provided to them. In a campus context people commit suicide because of relationships break up and to a small extend academic issues. Ever since I joined campus I have heard of people hanging themselves or killing their partners after a break up. These things happen here and beyond. How not to die. Suicide can be prevented by own or self counseling. After a relationship falls apart you need to analyze yourself and the worth to live. How? Look at the advantages of life and consider those people who love you and will always do. Consider your close friends and relatives. As in the case of the academic issues, we have heard of students who hung themselves or take poison when they are caught cheating in examination. How not to die this way is by knowing your objective in campus and always put it as prime. If you adequately prepare for exams then you will not consider engaging in examination malpractice. In various campuses news have emerged of students who have been killed by stray bullets of the anti-riot police when trying to stop a protest or a demonstration. How are you suppose to prevent yourself from dying this way? When striking a.k.a demonstrating do not always be in the front line. Always stay behind and carefully note what is likely to happen next. Hold your stone from behind. If the situation is rough, please run to save your poor life. Also, we have heard bodies of students found in mortuaries and the cause of their death are bullets. How are you supposed to keep yourself away from dying this way? Always follow the law and do not walk alone. Walk with a friend and make sure you that in wherever you go you carry your identification documents and keep in touch with your friends in school. Some simply die because of engaging in a fight. Instead look for better avenues to solve a disagreement. Or better surrender the battle incase the way is out of control. Humility is not cowardice. Many are admitted but some will not graduate because of various diseases. You may have the jurisdiction to prevent some diseases while others are beyond and you just have to accept. In every campus, students are provided with condoms to protect themselves from contracting the killer disease. Many take this for granted and do not use them. They will die! As for you how should you prevent yourself from dying this way? Always be faithful to your partner, use the condoms provided or buy yours and to be completely safe just abstain. Some students have died due to drowning in tanks and deep rivers. Whenever you are going on a picnic in some place with a considerable large water body walk with a friend and watch where you step. Some guys have also lost their dear lives by through road accidents. Students should take cautious measures because the vehicles are not always in total control of the drivers. Walk save on the roads. Still to mention another threat to student life, risky engagement on drug abuse has claimed lives of many. If it is a must that you have to drink, kindly do it responsibly even if drug abuse eats you from within. Drink responsibly, or otherwise leave it. Some students normally have initial health problems which are believed to have affected them early in their lives. Here, one must be cautious with live by taking prescribed medical procedures. Atleast this will help sustain the victim to see tomorrow and tomorrow but one. There are also risky gadgets and equipment in our stayplaces. Electric ones, for instance, can murder you without a warning. Note on this. Lets also save our fellow comrades incase they are heading to unnecessary deaths unknowingly. Lets conclude; other guys do not pray. They are ever busy doing i dont know what. Spare some time to pray. GOD first. These are just because of the reported cases. Here some of other acts that you have to do so as to always keep yourself off early death: 1. Always be careful when using a modified water heater in your room and when repairing a socket on your own. I want you to know that many people have died due to electrocution. 2. Have a friend with whom you can share your problems. 3. You should never walk alone to risky spots that have been identified and marked within your university. 4. If you are a non resident and living in a place with poor security always make sure you walk to your house half past six. 5. Pray, pray and pray always. SAVE STAY MagazineReel
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 05:30:57 +0000

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