***********MUST READ Intersting*************** Ten of the major - TopicsExpress


***********MUST READ Intersting*************** Ten of the major problems that modern materialistic civilization faces is that of diminishing resources. How and from where to get more for the ever hungry world? Will the civilization die off for want of resources? Can we (the West) maintain our position if the earth’s belly is emptied? Such are the questions that worry the West which will be the most to be affected. For the scientists, however, this is a minor problem. They look beyond the millennium, beyond the stars, deep into Time and Space. For example, the prospect of our sun burning out its energy, getting reduced to the size of the moon, and refusing to shine any further – an event expected in another five billion years – is a problem of some interest to the scientists. For, if that happens, it would mean cessation of all life on earth which happens to depend on a single vital process: photosynthesis. If the sun went cold, the plants would die taking the animals and humans with them to the dust. This prospect was something that disturbed the scientists (some time back, now they are busy with other things). So they offered several solutions. One is interesting to hear. They suggested, (one of them was Doral Froman, the technical associate director of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in the 60s), that we humans, (absolutely capable of playing the role of God – and better for that) could beat the cosmic plan by moving the earth out of its orbit, put it on a course of blissful journey through the space (blissful because it would be a nightly thousand year journey during which you will eat plastic), and eventually place it in orbit around another star. And, when that star also fades, pull off the bus from there, travel up further, and tag it on to another star. That could go on forever and life would thrive for eternity. The idea was to use half of sea water as fuel and replenish it from time to time at stop stations at other planets as the earth passed by them..................... ................... Finally, (we skip some), when you have at last reached the planetary system 25 light years away, don’t be surprised you find nothing there. For, everything in our universe is on the move. The planetary system that your radio telescope and some computer printouts suggest is there, would have packed and left for a party by the time you reached there, whenever you did, or sucked up by a Stephen Hawking black hole. Welcome to void. Such are the realities that the scientists successfully kept back from the non-specialists for decades. The Qur’an however made no unambiguous statement about the impossibility. While indirectly acknowledging future air travel (6:125), it clearly maintained about interplanetary travel (55: 33): O you family of Jinn and men! If you can pass beyond the edges of the heavens and the earth, then pass through! You shall not be able to pass beyond without authority!” The “authority” is that of Allah, who also said about the human beings (20: 53-55), “(It is your Lord) who made the earth a cradle for you, threaded therein paths for you, and sent down water out of heaven. And then We brought forth thereby many species of diverse plants. Eat and pasture your cattle. Surely, in that are signs for men of understanding. From it We have created you, to it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out a second time.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 06:24:52 +0000

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