MUST READ On the ouster of the first democratically elected - TopicsExpress


MUST READ On the ouster of the first democratically elected Egyptian president Dr. Mohammad Morsi everyone reacted in his own style. American president showed his concern and demanded release of Morsi at least. European Union told Egypt to set free Morsi and restore democracy in Egypt. UN chief requested the military to have patience. African Union suspended the membership of Egypt. Turkish Prime Minister called it a betrayal of the wishes of Egyptians and murder of democracy in Egypt. All of them reacted disapprovingly. But the very next day of coup, the King of Saudi Kingdom congratulated the Military general Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi for ousting President Morsi and putting him behind prison, and donated $1 billion to eliminate Muslim Brotherhood. The king was followed by other Monarchs and Sheikhs of Kingdoms and Sheikhdoms of the oil rich Gulf. Israeli Ambassador to Cairo declared Sisi a hero for the Jews all over the world. On 10th July Israel appealed to US to continue its $1.3 billion grant to Egypt. Thus we saw that along with the Zionist Israel, Kings, Monarchs and Sheikhs of Arab nations were standing against Morsi and MB. And along with the so called western champions of ‘democracy’ hypocrite Muslim rulers were also exposed. The hypocrisy of so called self proclaimed Khadimul Harmain Sharifain (better we call Khadimul Al-America and Israel) was exposed completely. General Sisi ousted Morsi, imprisoned him, implicated him in many cases, issued warrants to other MB leaders, cracked down on the media related to Muslim Brotherhood, killed hundreds of unarmed protesters including women. The General did all this with the complete blessing of US, Israel and gulf rulers particularly King Abdullah. Following his footstep Sheikh of Kuwait and Amir of UAE also offered billions of Dollar to the military dictator General Sisi. It does not take a genius to work out that this sudden passion and generosity of King Abdullah is not targeted towards Egypt or its people, rather it is meant to support General Sisi to eliminate MB. A Saudi political activist Mujtahid bin Hareth bin Hammaam has revealed that his government provided Egypt’s military with $1 billion to stage the coup against president Morsi. The Saudi king is trying to influence the West from taking action — including the issuance of strong criticisms — against General Sisi and his government, the activist further said. Saudi donation to General Sisi was followed by recitation of Qunoot e Nazila in all mosques in the Kingdom in favor of the people of Egypt and Syria. In fact Saudi rulers have a history of hypocrisy. Following are two paragraphs from my book ‘Zionist Conspiracies in the citadel of Islam’, which throws some light on this aspect of Saudi rulers. “Whereas a Saudi prince loses $8 million in a single night in casinos of Las Vegas, there is Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques who distributes a few hundred thousand copies of Quran for free. Whereas billions of dollars are wasted on tours of princes, there is also a few million dollars spent on the expansion and renovation of the two holy mosques. Whereas four billion dollar is spent to help the Afghan Mujahedeen on the behest of US, thirty two billion dollar is promptly spent to secure the US interest by saving America’s puppet government in Nicaragua.” “The US decreed that Imam Khomeini and Iran are the greatest dangers to world peace and to help out Saddam Hussein is the need of the hour. Khadim Al Haramain Al Sharifain too sang in the same tune by pointing out that Khomeini and Iran are indeed the greatest danger to world peace and thus supporting Saddam Hussein is an Islamic duty. After a few years, Bush declares that Saddam Hussein is the greatest danger to the world; dancing to the American tune Khadim Al Haramain Al Sharifain declares the removal of Saddam Hussein ‘an Islamic obligation’. To help out Jews and Christians against Saddam Hussein and to welcome the US and NATO allies in the Gulf was proclaimed as a deed in full accordance with Islamic spirits and religious obligations by the Royal Ulema. The US asserts that communism is the greatest threat to world peace so helping Afghan Mujahedeen is the need of the hour. Khadim Al Haramain Al Sharifain also agrees that communism is the greatest threat to Islam and thus supporting Afghan Mujahedeen is the best form of jihad. About a decade later, Bush junior shouts that Taliban (Afghan Mujahedeen) are breeding terrorism and their elimination is necessary to maintain peace. Khadim Al Haramain Al Sharifain declares that Taliban indeed are giving shelter to terrorists and it is innocuous to extricate them.” In all these diverse occasions, a team of Royal Ulema kept issuing ‘readymade fatwas’ justifying and legalizing each and every action of the opportunists and selfish rulers of the citadel of Islam. Syed Zubair –
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 07:52:14 +0000

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