MUST READ: Open letter of the Soviet and Russian generals to - TopicsExpress


MUST READ: Open letter of the Soviet and Russian generals to Ukrainian commanders Friends, colleagues, co-workers, classmates! Fellow officers and generals of the Armed Forces of Ukraine! We appeal to you! We walked with you on one parade ground, sat at desks in some Suvorov schools, served in one company, fought side by side in Afghanistan, Vietnam, Angola. Over the past 25 years, life has separated many of us, but there is still the camaraderie and brotherhood of combat. Here in Russia, very hard to see how a few months brotherly Ukraine shakes hardest political crisis. Coup détat in February under the revolutionary slogans of one of oligarchic groups, moved into a new phase. To quell protests civilians in the south-east of the country are death squads. Army used them as a cover for the application of artillery and air strikes on public Slavyansk, Donetsk and Lugansk. Those who illegally seized power in February, pitting nations continue despite recent elections of President of Ukraine. A growing number of citizens take up arms with the sole purpose - to fight against each other. This was unimaginable just six months ago. Now its the norm. Senior U.S. government officials regularly visit Kiev, after which local nationalists, representing less than one percent of the population, give orders to the military officers to strike civilians. Just bombed the building of Donetsk Airport, Lugansk regional administration. The number of victims in the hundreds. Kill not only volunteers, but also children, mothers, fathers, old men and women in the south-east of your beautiful homeland. Come to your senses! You are forced to fight against their own people, that can not be beat. While in Ukraine in full force not flared civil war must stop Kiev politicians who agree to the destruction of entire regions. They sent troops to the east under your command. Tomorrow they will announce you the war criminals to save themselves from retaliation. And today tied mutual responsibility and purposefully put on a par with those who burned alive dozens of people in Odessa House of Trade Unions. Guilty you stay - staff officers, commanders of artillery and mortar units, pilots of combat aircraft and helicopters. The army has always, at all times was the last hope of the common people, who respected military uniform, loved the army. Do not besmirch the glorious traditions of the army blood of his countrymen! Think of our fathers, who 71 years ago liberated Kiev from German fascists and protect his people with his life. In these difficult days to do the main thing - remember the conscience and honor of a soldier, officer, general. - Yazov DT, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Soviet Defense Minister (1987-1991) - Selivanov VE, Admiral, Chief of Naval Staff, 1st Deputy Chief of the Navy - GAREEV MA, General of the Army - Hyupenen AI, Colonel-General, Doctor of Military Sciences - AP Sitnov, Colonel-General, Chief of the Russian Armed Forces Armaments (1994-2000) - Cat VS, Colonel-General, honored pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union - LG Ivashov, Colonel-General, Head of Research MBC, Russian Ministry of Defense (1996-2001) - Popov NG, Lieutenant General, Deputy Commander of Russian Interior Ministry troops (1994-2000) - AN ions, Lieutenant-General,1st Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (1997-2001) - Pluzhnikov YN, Lieutenant General, Chief of Staff of the 23rd Air Army, the Cheats, party fighting in Egypt - Rutskoi AV, Air Force Major General, Hero of the Soviet Union - Kanchukov SA, Major General GRU intelligence chief of the Siberian military district, group of forces in Chechnya.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 11:16:36 +0000

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