MUST READ POST!!! Credits to @sri lakshmi Indaresan Hi - TopicsExpress


MUST READ POST!!! Credits to @sri lakshmi Indaresan Hi Folks, It’s the first time I am blogging on a Sunday *phew*. Sundays are meant to be wild for me but curse the Chennai’s scorching heat, I am sick with sun sickness, yeah a weird illness that I get in summers :’( I am staying home, healthily eating curd rice, drinking mom made coffee, and nagging my nephew. Finally, I woke up from my cozy bed and thought of penning up something. So, single!!! That’s a mixed emotions term, for a few it’s enjoyable and for many it’s scary. If you have been in love and had a break up then single can be the best or the worst state (depends on who initiated the break up). So, let the bygones be bygones, you had a break up what’s next? Stalk him/her, drool in their memories, or try the archaic Devdas way of drinks? Nah, all are just too dumb. Instead here is a compilation of top 7 things to do after a break up (none of them involves another affair or love) to cure or get rid of single-o-phobia (fear of being singled out). 7. Learn a new language: Languages are intriguing. They involve your time, concentration, and efforts. Additionally, you will have a feel that you did something productive. If you are allergic to languages, go for tech certifications or other stuffs like learning a new stuff related to your work. 6. Yoga/Work-Out: All those cream center, cookie man calories accumulated during your lovely times, those fat stored because of those posh dates in Little Italy, Raintree, etc this is the time to burn them away along with your ex’s memories. 5. Spa: When was the last time you groomed up yourself for yourself? You might have hit the trendiest salon to look chick for him or hunk for her but when was the last time you really did something you liked? Remember that short bob cut you always wanted but never did because he likes your hair? Or that tattoo of your favorite band or football team that you wanted but didn’t do because she hates it? Get it done. 4. Parents: All those sleepless nights on call, weekend dates, late night parties with them. In middle of all those, did you recollect that you never had a proper day-out or day-in with your parents?? What are you waiting for? Go to their favorite restaurant, go on a family tour or short trip, spend some time with them. There is nothing as relieving as mom’s lap or dad’s forehead kisses. 3. Siblings/Cousins therapy: Trust me, this shit seriously works. Have a cousin or sibling who you can trust with? Rant to them, cry to them if you wish to, badmouth (its okay to badmouth) about your ex if you feel like, and finally have a night out and watch movies, play those childhood games (poker, uno, gully cricket, ludo – yeah it works). 2. BFFs: “If not for my BFFs, I would have been a corpse ages ago”, who said this thoughtful quote? Don’t know? It’s me. Yeah! Okay don’t hurt your fist or your monitor. Remove those facepalms and read on. Take a trip with friends and enjoy. Experiment a random city, or a familiar city. My suggestion is Goa, alternatively if you are interested in wildlife sanctuaries try Bandipur. Get indulged in the awesomeness of the trip. 1. You, it’s all about you: Enjoy your lonely time (now all you dirty minds, get back to the topic. I swear on my unborn children that there was no pun intended). Well, take time to know yourself. Jot down your strengths and weaknesses. Try improvising career and personality wise. Most importantly, chocolates and chocolate ice creams are permanent fixes. Go on a self pampering mode. Buy yourself some nice goodies like those Reebok shoes, converse sneakers, body shop body butter, etc. Are you asking me, “Will these make me forget him/her? Will the pain go away?” Well, the frank response is, “Hell, No. However, these are antiseptics that will stop your wound from contaminating rest of your body.” Finally remember, don’t hesitate to fall in love. Love isn’t wrong, the person you loved would have been wrong or maybe the circumstances were wrong. Fall in love again but only when you are ready, not because you are single. Love & Cheers, S(t)ri, I am S(t)ri
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 14:24:49 +0000

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