MUST READ Purpose(Goal) Of Life Based on the - TopicsExpress


MUST READ Purpose(Goal) Of Life Based on the ‘intelligence’, which is the quality unique to him, the human being is considered to be the supreme among all the creatures. Each of his deeds whether action or ease has some purpose. If the human life which is connotative of continuous effort and activity has to be lead without any purpose, then, there would be no difference between a human being and a beast. Therefore, it is pertinent on everyone, who claims to be human being, to ponder over the purpose of his life. This world is a guest house; the Life is a journey, and Human being a traveler. It is a common fact that destination is reached on completion of the journey and not before it. In other words, this world is an examination hall, and when the life is a test and human being an examinee, the result must be known only after the examination (i.e. the life) is over. Thus, the goal (result) of human life cannot be achieved before the end of life. Therefore, something which is achievable in one’s life itself cannot be the goal (purpose) of life. Can a person who is leading life without any purpose deserve to be called a human being? Generally the means and requirements which are essential for achieving the goals are mistaken to be the goal for itself. For instance, seeking Allah’s pleasure or servitude of Allah, which are, none but, ways and means to achieve the goal of life, are themselves, mistaken to be goals of life. However, this world (the place of practice/ implementation) is a place where, one has to try hard to achieve the goal of life, and it is only in the next world (the place of reward) that the goal (purpose) of life is achievable. Every one of us is aware of the fact that it is the basic nature of human being to strive and going to such an extent of putting his life and wealth at stake so as to achieve his objective (fulfill his desire). Therefore, all the human activities in this world are the result of this very human nature. Thus the question arises… What is the purpose of human life? It is also the human nature that he runs away from grief, difficulty, distress, sorrow, and ultimately from the death. And so is his nature to search for such a perpetual life wherein he can find peace, tranquility, and relief. And this is the very Goal of human Life. In other words, the goal of human life is Salvation which ultimately leads to enter Paradise, because; it is not possible to enter the paradise, which is the only place where all the above human desires can be fulfilled (absolution can be attained), without Salvation. PLS SHARE
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 10:20:20 +0000

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